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Too many tomato’s on vines?

I have 14 plants and growth has been great. I have as many as 12 small tomato’s on a limb. A few of these are already getting ripe. These are better boys. They are volunteers from last season. Seems to me this is a problem. Your help will be greatfully appreciated.

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No matter what happens, they will still be Better Boys...maybe. Hybrids will not always be the same as last year's tomatoes. They may be smaller, not the same flavor as you had not the same size, etc. But then they may be close. Lots of fruit on a healthy plant should be no problem. I would pick any that begin to turn color and let them ripen off the vine just to be certain the branch does not break.

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Be sure to support the fruit trusses and the vines so they don’t get ripped off or pulled off as they get heavier. Especially watch out for severe storms.

Vines should be tied to the support just below and above the trusses or ltie the truss itself to hang without stressing the vine.

Green-fruiting tomatoes will need more water than before. Once the fruits color break, maintain even moisture without excessively drying or watering, and cut back on overall water a bit as they blush so as not to water down the flavor, but maintain even moisture.

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Sounds like some grape cluster maters. How does the size compare to last year's Better Boys?

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The ones that have clustered are like cherrie tomato size. About half the plants have larger sizes similar to last seasons and not all the branches are loaded with these clusters, some of them are clusters of 3 or 4 and are what I consider normal. I think my original question should have included should I thin the large clusters. Thank you for your reply and I hope this is a sufficient answer. Thanks to all for your suggestions, I will take it all to heart. My Father used to grow outstanding tomato’s every year. Hopefully I can have the same.

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If your plant is producing a lot of fruit make sure the plants get enough water and nutrients to support the fruit.

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Can someone give me a hand. How do I attach a picture to a post.

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kens1948 wrote:Can someone give me a hand. How do I attach a picture to a post.
Vanisle_BC wrote:Here's what I do - took me a while to figure it out.

I download picture files straight from the computer (or the sd card/ camera connected to it.) Here's how it works for me:

Scroll down below your reply box and click on "Upload attachment"; below that hit "browse" in the small grey box; select the file/photo you want to insert then click "add the file" (green box.) Finally you'll get a screen showing the attachment's file name and green options to delete or add it inline.

If you hit add-inline it will probably put it at the beginning of your post, but you can find the attachment code that inserts it and use cut/paste to relocate it anywhere in the message.

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Oh, you may have to resize it so it to fit the forum.

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