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Growing tomatoes in soil/compost bags - Space for roots?

I recently watched some videos where people planted their tomato plants directly into a soil or compost bag they bought from the store. Apparently it works because they also showed results. My question is, how does this effect the roots? In one video they said the roots simply adapt to the area they are in and grow outward instead of downwards. I was always under the impression tomatoes needed at least a foot or more space under them to grow. Well, soil and compost bags bought from stores are maybe 3 to 4 inches deep on their sides. Not only that, I saw some people planting 2 and even 3 tomato plants in one bag. All of my local nurseries sell bags of soil and compost so I wouldn't mind giving it a try. Basically you just plant the tomatoes on top of the bag and punch a few holes on the bottom to allow for drainage and thats it. Just water and fertilize as needed. It seems like a very easy way to plant tomatoes and keep them away from most outside elements. If I can fit 3 plants to a bag I wouldn't mind doing this at all because I think I can get Black Kow compost bags for about $5 a bag around here which for 3 tomato plants that produce dozens of large tomatoes each that would be great.

My question/concern is does this inhibit growth of the plant in any way? Do tomato plants produce more if planted in larger/deeper pots or in the ground as compared to planting them in grow bags?

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I think the one that I saw that looked most realistic was two or three 1 cu. ft. bags stacked on top of each other (holes punched in the bags at corresponding locations to allow roots to go all the way through) and ONE normal Indeterminate or cherry tomato plant. *Maybe* two bush type determinate plants. You will still need to construct some kind of support.

There ARE varieties that are smaller -- usually called patio or suitable for container growing. I even have some "MICRO" varieties that can grow in one gallon container and only grow up to 12-18' maximum.

Also, you have to watch out that you don't use the kind of potting mix/compost infused with high levels of nitrogen fertilizer, which will only grow massive vegetation with less blossoms or fruits.

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In this video on Black Kow's official website the person says a 50 pound bag of Black Kow manure compost is good for 2 tomato plants. I assume they do well enough if they were willing to say this in a video on their website. I see how stacking bags would be better, but that means buying more bags for just 1 or 2 plants. I'm all about getting the most for spending the less so I am trying various things right now.

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