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Tomato Watering Issue

Howdy Yall!

I am a first time tomato container gardener. I have experienced some problems (which I think have to do with watering) and after alot of research and not really getting anywhere I decided to come ask some Experts!

I have 3 tomato plants that were given to me as seedlings in November. I am unsure of the varieties since they were a gift. They made it through the winter and are now about 4 ft tall and producing some tomatoes!! I live north of Houston by about an hour and a half. Recently I have noticed some problems and wanted some advice.

Why I belive That they are overwatered:
1) leaves are beginning to turn a brownish grey color and fall off the stem starting at bottom and working way up the plant
2) there are dozens of fungal gnats that inhabit the soil
3) we have recently gotten a lot of rain after I watered heavily.
4) my guess is root rot?

With that being said the turgor pressure of the plant seems to disappearing and the plants are wilting badly, which makes the case for the plants being under watered.

I'm confused as to what I should do and I realy would like to save these plants! I appreciate yalls responses and any advice/tips/encouragements are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

Mr green
Green Thumb
Posts: 372
Joined: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:08 pm
Location: Sweden

What is your growind medium? Maybe you can shelter them from excess rainfall?
If possible post some pictures that can help identify the problem.

Posts: 14069
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It could still be root rot. If the roots are rotted or you have nematodes, they will be unable to take up water and nutrients so the plants starve and wilt.

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