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Daylily Seeds.

I have things to trade, not sure if anyone would be interested though:

-Daylily seeds (Classic yellow, and there are plenty)
-Portulaca seeds (candy-striped pink and WAY too many yellow)
-Dianthus seeds (Red/pink)
-Delphinium seeds (Pastel blue/lavender)

I WILL have these things available to trade in the near future:

-Clematis seeds (This year I will have seeds from a pale violet-colour clematis with strange colour anthers, fading from cream at the base to plum at the tip; Next year I anticipate Gillian Blades (white, fringed petals) and Belle of Woking (silver/white/mauve/whatever, double petals) seeds for trading)
-Rose seeds (One is a fragrant red rose and the other is a peachy-orange rose *The red rose is possibly a Mr. Lincoln, but I'm not sure because it was planted before my time)
-Angelonia (Purple and White, that is, if they ever produce any seed pods again)

I am willing to trade these things as soon as they are ready, whether it be a trade or just sending them without any in return. I'm a nice person :)

But I BEG. ANYONE. who has any type of strange or attractive daylily seeds to trade with me. I don't know if anybody here has any kinds of really beautiful daylilies (ie, purple or cream colors, or ruffled petals), but if you do - I'll love you forever! :wink:

So what I said is:


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Location: Bristol PA

Now that I think about it, the Clematis may be a Hagley Hybrid or just a look-alike :?

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Hi, I don't have anything to trade (new house no plants other than what I bought) but I was browsing through catalogs and I saw an interesting daylily I had to share with you.

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