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Wanted: comfrey seeds

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:51 am
by evtubbergh
Hi all

I am looking for comfrey, if anyone would like to share :)

Re: Wanted: comfrey seeds

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:46 pm
by Susan W
Yes, have comfrey! These are from last season, I don't know germination rate and I need more starts. Your post jolted me into action and just put some in coir seed start pellets. I certainly don't want to waste our postage sending something that doesn't 'do' In a few months will have plenty of fresh (I try to get seeds and/or aging blooms harvested before all over the ground). Hopefully you'll see some little green leaves waving at you across the ocean in a couple of weeks!

Re: Wanted: comfrey seeds

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:52 pm
by evtubbergh
Yay! Thanks :)

I can wait since our spring will only be 6 months after yours anyway. I'll need to put them in pellets in about August.

Re: Wanted: comfrey seeds

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:58 am
by Susan W
It looks like we'll have plenty of seeds this season! This winter the comfrey went all the way down, and a few weeks ago starting showing some green. They are growing now, and starting to send up flower stalks. Some of the early leaves were coarse and looked like a saw edge. Now it looks like something has been nibbling the edges. Go figure.

Re: Wanted: comfrey seeds

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:40 pm
by Susan W
Comfrey, of my! They burst forth and got ahead of me! Lots of pretty purple blooms, and bees are very happy. Today I finally went out and gathered seeds, cut back some stalks etc. I cut off leaves and spread out in empty flat to dry. Stalks, stems and anything remotely like a seed bagged for trash.

I did plant up seeds in peat pellets and will see how the germination is, which should show in a couple of weeks.

Re: Wanted: comfrey seeds

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:13 pm
by evtubbergh
Fantastic! We can't wait (I actually will start most of them for my mom). I can't believe you have seeds already - isn't it barely spring?