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Looking for interesting veggies

I am looking for whatever I have not had before. something not mainstream. I have a few different types of peppers, but that is about all I have to trade, but I will send money for seeds. Just PM me we can work something out. :lol:

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Interested in Painted Mountain corn, Sunchokes and or Music garlic


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Sunchokes sound interesting. do they need much maintenance? do deer and other animals like the sprouts?

What is Music Garlic?

I have never been able to grow corn of any kind. It always gets bugs or wind or rain damage and never produces for me. :cry:

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IndyGerdener wrote:Sunchokes sound interesting. do they need much maintenance? do deer and other animals like the sprouts?

What is Music Garlic?

I have never been able to grow corn of any kind. It always gets bugs or wind or rain damage and never produces for me. :cry:
Jerusalem artichoke
Easy to grow. Sunflower family

Music garlic,
A hardneck garlic with wonderful scapes and fairly large bulbs. Red blush wrap and a good storage keeper

Painted Mountain corn is a short season flour corn. It maybe perfect for you difficult growing conditions.


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I have grown purple brussle sprouts and they are very good and produce big plants! Also purple asparagus is a good crop. Asd far as something different tru straberry pop corn! The year I grew the pop corn I put the corn cob and all in the microwave and it popped right on the cob. They are about 5 inches ling and a deep purple red seed! I had two per stock and the stocks were short about 4 to 5 feet!
One of my favorite sun flowers the teddy bear which is a soft yellow fuzzy flower nice size different than all the other sunflowers ! The watermellon radish with layers of white and red inside! dear tongue red lettuce which keeps nice in hor weather! Orange beet great in salads raw! The kossak kahlrabi which I grew last year and it got as big as a small mellon and was tender!.
Red runner bean that grows forever with tons of great tasting beans and pretty flowers! One of the best tomatoes I have ever grown the pine apple red and orange about 3/4 pound very tasty! I always grow the yellow zuc and think its more tender that the green! Cylinder beet stays tender for all summer and grows above the ground! I hope I gave all of you some new things to grow!

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Indygerdener, just so you know the Sunchokes produce the edible part underground. You plant a tuber and a tall sunflower-like plant grows. Around Fall when the plant dies back you dig it up and the tuber has multiplied like crazy.

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Climbing spinach great in salads and has nice red flowers!. Its also called Malabar spinach! Check with Livingston Seed packs!

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Never heard of the climbing spinach!
I'm actually going to get a couple packs!

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pretty picture on the fron of the Livingston package. This year I am going verticle big time! the nice thing about verticle is capturing the sun that would have just been wasted on weeds behind the tall vines! if you have a bad area just make a row of good soil on the south side and watch the vines shade the weeds and ad ground on the north side!

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ok, yes I am interested in the garlic and the sunchokes. Pm me, we will get it worked out. :lol:

Climbing Spinach sounds amazing!! I will have to get some of that. Lots of crop, small area that is my MO.

I would love to grow popcorn, but like I said, I can't grow corn at all to save my life. I have given it up. Corn in Indiana is plentiful and on every corner in the country. I will leave that to the experts, lol

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fishguysky wrote:Never heard of the climbing spinach!
I'm actually going to get a couple packs!
NO :shock: don't get couple packs! :shock:

Each Malabar spinach plant grows multiple vining (climbs like pole beans) branches and grows huge! At least 10ft. They need lots of water. Also, if you stop harvesting and let them go to seed like I did -- they started dropping berries and sprouting by end of the summer. If you have a long growing season, they would grow like weeds and take over. :lol: On the other hand, the pink flower bud trusses were very pretty and yummy in salad.

I gave a plant to my brother's girlfriend and she planted it in a large container and let it climb all over her deck railing. Definitely an edible landscaping plant. :D. This red stemmed variety we grew issaid to taste or do better than the green stemmedvariety -- but I don't remember where I read that.

Also, they are mucilaginous and some people don't like that. Stir fry works and good in soups. I suspect they might work as tempura too.

Earlier on, someone... maybe soil or !potatoes! ... said to try New Zealand spinach for comparison. I haven't got the seeds yet though. Also there was a thread/post about the oxalic acid in these greens not being good for your health. Something to think about.

Have you considered all the unusual tomato varieties?

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I would consider anything. I have a friend of mine that I think is coming by this weekend, who has a ton of seeds from all over the world. We will be trading!!

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Malabar spinach is pretty slimy. NZ spinach cooks up and tastes a lot better, but it can take over too.

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I hope it does take over because I am planting it in a weedy area. I will mix it with red flower climbing beans! I guess all mygreenhouses will have vines all over them! The vines will help cool the greenhouse in summer since I will leave the top plastic up so it does not get soaked inside!

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IndyGerdener wrote:ok, yes I am interested in the garlic and the sunchokes. Pm me, we will get it worked out. :lol:

Climbing Spinach sounds amazing!! I will have to get some of that. Lots of crop, small area that is my MO.

I would love to grow popcorn, but like I said, I can't grow corn at all to save my life. I have given it up. Corn in Indiana is plentiful and on every corner in the country. I will leave that to the experts, lol
I sent you a PM


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Box came today!!

I have a few questions about them

How long will it take for the sunchokes to sprout? Do they seed at all? how deep should I plant the tubes? How big of an area will these tubes cover?

That is all lol :lol: :lol:

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Plant the tubers about three inches deep in early spring. Space your tubers a foot or a foot and a half apart. Being a fall bloomer, it doesn't start real early in the spring, so it will take it awhile to sprout, be patient.

Each bud on the tuber will become a tall stem that puts out flowers in the fall.
So the area of tubers you planted is the area they will cover THE FIRST YEAR.

I have never had mine reproduce from seed, but they spread like crazy from the roots. I have mine in a flower bed. At the end of the season I pull ALL of it out. That keeps it from taking over the bed and the small tubers that are inevitably left behind are enough to replenish it for the following year.

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Awesome!!! I am going to plant it in a field that I want them to take over. like TAKE OVER. We are also thinking about planting some invasive bamboo in this field too. kind-of a there if you need it material

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and harvest about 2 weeks after your first hard freeze. The cold cycle improves the flavor and texture.

If you have mild winters you can just leave them in the ground. Dig when needed.


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Thank you!!!

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Don't forget the peppers. :lol:


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just up potted the jalapenos last night. the ghost peppers are coming along. I will prob up pot them tonight. I am thinking they will be ready to ship in a couple weeks :D

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Oh Boy! :D :lol:


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The japs are ready and the ghost peppers will be up potted tomorrow. I will put them at 1-2 weeks now. I added worm castings to the watering trough for the pots. It is amazing how fast it has helped them. The japs have leaves outgrowing the solo cups, and the ghost pepper plants have doubled in size in 3 days

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They look good. :D

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Jalapeno peppers.


Ghost Peppers


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