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Have VEGETABLE SEEDS for trade

Have these vegetable seeds for trade. 2 pkgs DETROIT DARK RED BEETS, 2 pkgs PURPLE TOP WHITE GLOBE TURNIPS, 10 pkgs YELLOW GOLD BALL TURNIPS, 2 pkgs GREEN TURNIPS, 1pkg burpee CHERRY BELLE TOMATO, 1 pkg HUNGARIAN HOT YELLOW WAX PEPPER, 1 pkg of BIG JIMS Chili PEPPER mediumhot, 10 pkgs JAPANESE MUSTARD GREENS, 10 pkgs BLACK SPANISH RADISH, 10 pkgs GREEN CALYPSO CUCUMBER SEEDS. I am looking for corn, carrot, onion, squash, pumpkin, pea, greenbean, watermelon, gourd seeds.

Green Thumb
Posts: 352
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:53 pm
Location: Brunswick, Maine

How 'bout chiriman squash or red warty thing squash for calypso cukes?

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