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Need Veggie Seeds to Help Feed Family (in Kentucky)

I still need veggie seeds, any kind I can get to help feed my family this year. Me and my wife are on fixed income and are rasing 3 of our grand kids, we get no child support on any of the kids. I have about a ac. of garden space to put out and need seeds bad. I am planning to can everything I can this year to help us this year. If any one has any seeds that they could spare to help us out it would be great.

Super Green Thumb
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Location: El Cerrito, CA

Where do you live? Gardeners who wish to assist may wish to send climate-zone-appropriate seeds.

For instance, it's difficult to grow cabbage (a cool-weather veggie) in Florida, and it's difficult to grow okra (a long-season, heat-loving veggie) up north.

Please add some info about your climate zone, state, or region.

I've locked your original request so that people won't accidentally respond to it.

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

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Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:09 pm

I am sorry that I didn't add more info. I live in Kentucky and I think it is a zone 6. I am also sorry that I don't post more, but I hope you can understand that I am caring for 3 grand kids and a very sick wife and don't have a lot of free time to get on the pc. My wife has very bad sugar and had a bypass surgey 2 weeks ago and what little free time I have will given to them.

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