Super Green Thumb
Posts: 2036
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:58 pm
Location: Michigan--LP(troll)

Not seeds, exactly...

They're bigger than seeds, bigger than a breadbox. Um, I think they're called, yes, I'm sure they're called...trees. Stop laughing. I grew some (OK, they're really volunteers, but I left 'em alone) crabapple trees, intending them for my mother. However, in a desperate attempt to get squirrels out of her house (yes, you read that right), she cut down every tree on her property and now does not want the crabapple trees. Even though I tried to persuade her that they would leave the crabs alone, she doesn't want any. Sigh. They're root-pruned, healthy as horses, about 5-6' tall, grown in relatively sandy soil, and not babied. They will probably start flowering next year, if planted and watered well this year. I believe one did flower a bit this year and had hot pink flowers--the others will be a surprise. There's 3 of them, along with a couple of oaks. I have no idea how to ship (probably not a good idea anyway), but if you live in the Detroit, MI area--contact me and we'll make arrangements for you to pick up.

Happy Gardening


Super Green Thumb
Posts: 2036
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:58 pm
Location: Michigan--LP(troll)

OK, I get it--seeds, not plants. That's OK. I registered with a local freecycle group and everything is now spoken for with folks clamouring for more! Who'da thunk? Well, thanks for not laughing me off the site.

Happy gardening.

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