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Help in choosing shrubs, plants trees?

I am in a quandry about what to plant on the southwest side of my home. The shrubs near the front of the house are all crepe myrtles. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are in zone 6, southern Illinois area. Partial to colorful, with nice foliage when not in bloom.

Thanks, MarySue
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Super Green Thumb
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Yes, the quandary is so many choices:

serviceberry is a nice largish shrub/small tree with berries that lots of birds like.

Dogwood and redbud are beautiful, flowering small trees. Or you could grow something fruiting, like black cherry, chokecherry, plum. There's a purple leaf plum with striking dark purple leaves. Or diablo nine bark is a purple leafed shrub with white flowers for high contrast.

Viburnum is a very adaptable smaller shrub with intensely fragrant flowers in spring, followed by berries that birds like and colorful fall foliage.

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Thank you for your reply. I would like to stay away from heavily fruiting bushes as this area is right around the corner from the pool. I'm thinking maybe alternating purple leaf plum (thinking it's not too fruity) with more crepe myrtle? I love the ninebark but I don't think it will be tall enough to cover the foundation and a good portion of the side. Would love a color / size variety.

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Purple smoke bush is lovely with the color of purple leaf plum but no fruit. Spicebush is another pretty shrub that has fragrant leaves. If you can find it, sassafras has lovely orange leaves in the fall. Japanese maples come in a variety of colors and leaf shapes. Contorted filberts (aka, Harry Lauders walking stick) are neat. And don't forget the common Witch hazel which also has medicinal uses.

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