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Wasted Shade Suggestions

Now that I've gone mad with gardening, every space I see is a potential area for growing.
We never use our front porch. The area is 6 'x 20'
I'm trying to figure out what to plant there and would appreciate suggestions.

I'm thinking about a planter 2' wide and the full 20' long.
I want to try to stick to edible plants, but all the good stuff seems to like full sun.
This area stays shaded almost all day.
Here it is at 12:30 on June 13th in zone 9a...

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Well if you would put some window boxes on the rail you could plant some of the herbs and edible flowers. The rail will get the most sun, give the porch more privacy and still keep the porch passable.

onions, parsley, cilantro, nasturtiums (cool dry weather), pansies, johnny jump ups, violets. Culantro and false oregano actually do well under shade and might even grow on the porch. NZ spinach likes sun but will grow in shade too.

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Great suggestions.
I am all in on the window boxes.
They will actually make the front look better too. Kind of boring out there as you can see.

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I'm trying a hanging basket on mine, but I've had to move it to get sunlight. I guess we will just have to see how it turns out.

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