Super Green Thumb
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Paper Wasp, I believe


Ever year I have a dozen or two nest under the eaves of my shop. I think they are Paper Wasp. They have dangly legs when they fly. The nest never become enclosed.

I will be take the pressure washer to them unless someone conveniences me not to.


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They thoroughly inspect brassicas and other plants for caterpillars to feed their young, pushing their way down the leaf-stem crevices and under the lowest leaves where I can't see or get to.

I've heard that European paper wasps are invaders that displace native species. But I can't tell them apart, so I leave them all alone unless they are nesting where we would disturb each other -- entryways, passageways, light fixtures, etc. They are also evicted if found nesting in birdhouses during the pre-spring inspection.

I once left them when they were nesting inside the vinyl fence rail above the raspberry patch. Everything was fine until I lost my balance while picking berries and slapped my hand right next to the nest. A sentry came at me and stung my thumb before I could regain my balance and get my hand away. Even so, we got along fine after. I did leave a few berries that ripened near their nest, but that was about it.

I use a lot of bamboo poles and they are often scraping at them while I'm working in the garden, they also scrape away my teak patio furniture, but I've decided not to worry about it.

Super Green Thumb
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They are carnivores. If they're not troublesome, I think I'd wash off the paper nests in the fall after frost (when they are dormant and less likely to sting).

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Paper wasps do control some of the garden pests but they also like to make their nests in eaves and dark corners of buildings. They will sting if threatened. After the breeding season, they will abandon the nests and it will be safe to remove them then with a power washer. If you remove the nest while the wasps are still there you need to make sure you wear protective clothing and stay a good distance away. They will come back every year to try to nest in the same place so you will need to make the place less desirable to them.

They are attracted to sugars. So don't leave sweet drinks or meats out in the open.

If you have a habitat that is suitable you could create an artificial nest and invite them to build their nest there instead.3ewq

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