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How often should I water my vegetables?

How often should I water my vegetables?


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Now you'd think that this would be a simple question to answer but, it actually isn't.

The short answer is: you should water them when they need watering.

The long answer is: Definately deep water them for at least an hour (if you have a vegetable garden) but, test the soil before watering. Just use a shovel and lift some soil up. If it is damp,then your plants don't need watering.

Also, if you employ some water saving techniques like building swales into your property, deep mulching with leaves and other water colecting mulches, growing cover crops like: Clover, Rye and so on (I'm just currently blanking on other cover crops) then you will need to water less often.

In the heat of the summer, I usually only have to water my garden say once or twice a week. And that is a deep water for about 4 hours.

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I agree with the short answer when they need watering. While that sounds very simple I will explain.
feel the soil with your hands does it feel dry does it feel wet? I prefer moist which is somewhere in between.
Using a good mulch will cut down on how often you have to water.
The type of soil structure you have has alot to do with its water holding abilities. sand, clay, humus, rocky, etcetc.

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As Opa says it is always preferable to deep water less often rather than to water shallowly with greater frequency. Shallow, frequent watering encourages a shallow root system that is vulnerable to future dry spells. By watering deeply you promote a deeper and stronger root system that is better able tolerate periods of dry weather.


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Gnome wrote:banyandreams,

As Opa says it is always preferable to deep water less often rather than to water shallowly with greater frequency. Shallow, frequent watering encourages a shallow root system that is vulnerable to future dry spells. By watering deeply you promote a deeper and stronger root system that is better able tolerate periods of dry weather.

..and what about shallow rooting crops ? like lettuce ?..

..use a rain-gauge, and a flow meter and follow the instructions for each plant..

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