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The Morning Glory Flower

So I have about 8 or 9 vines to cover the front of my porch. They are growing tall fine but only 2 of the vines are flowering so far.
The vine that is flowering will have like 3 blooms one day and only one the next. There arnt any signs of the others on the vine.
Is this normal for this to happen?


Is there a way to produce more flowers on the vine?
Some way of pruning it that is..

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Morning glories are -- IMO, anyway -- extremely easy to grow. The only thing I can think of regarding the flowers disappearing would be some kind of pest. Have you gone out at night with a flashlight to see if there is any kind of critter eating them? Don't really know, just a thought.

I haven't grown them myself, as they remind me too much of the ground bindweed I do constant battle with. My grandmother grew them every year though. I don't know whether she pinched back the main shoots when the seeds sprouted or not. If you have a vine you could spare, I suppose you could test that and see if it sent out side shoots. I just don't know whether that works with vines.

I have the same question about my clematis, though, and I'm searching for an answer. :)

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