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Super Green Thumb
Posts: 7433
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:59 pm
Location: TN. 50 years of gardening experience.

Garden Shows on TV every night.

I am watching NPT PBS channel 8.4 Nashville TN there are lots of garden shows, cooking shows, nature shows, travel shows. I know cable TV & satellite TV both have NPT PBS. I get 4 PBS channels, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, on OTA free TV with a Winegard 8200u outside antenna on a 8 foot tall pole. Just incase anyone is interested I though you might like to know about this. Do Google search for OTA TV guide a town near you look at TV schedule for antenna TV then see if you have it on cable TV or Satellite TV. Antenna TV is free you only need to buy an antenna. Before you buy an antenna don't buy anything that claims to have a range over 50 miles its not true. Don't buy a tiny antenna that sets on top of the TV, hangs on the wall or sticks on a window unless you live with in 10 miles of the TV transmitter.

Tonight there is a man with about 50 acres of land and 260 people come to grow a garden on his land. They are showing garlic harvest tonight. Very interesting to see all these people work together to plant a garden. They plant crops like, garlic, onions, corn, beans, potatoes as a group. If each person in the group wants 50 garlic each that means they need to grow 50 x 260 = 13,000. garlic plants. Everyone works together to plant garlic, weed, fertilize & harvest garlic. If everyone wants 60 lbs of potatoes each they need to grow 15,600. lbs of potatoes. They plant, tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes, corn, squash, cabbage, more.

A different TV shows a man rents out plots for land to people to grow their own personal garden. You rent any size plot you want, 20'x20' or 30'x30' or 40'x40', etc. Plant your own garden at your own speed.

I also enjoy large scale farming and commercial farming, lots of very interesting information about gardening. If farmers plant 200 acres of, green beans, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, peppers, then why can't I grow 1 row in my garden the same way. I like zero maintenance gardening.

They also have commercial wine making places all over the world that have 1000 acres if grapes to make wine. Bread making & pastry shows use to be interesting but I don't watch them very often anymore. My favorite Mexican cooking show is Monday 6pm to 7pm our time CT.

I like, India cooking, Oriental cooking, Mexican cooking, there are cooking shows almost every night. I mostly only watch TV sometime between 6 pm & 10 pm. I click on the TV to see what is there if nothing good I go outside. I don't watch pasta cooking shows, I don't eat pasta its just boiled dough & so are dumplings.

There are lots of good free garden shows on YouTube also but it is rare for anyone to tell there geographical location, first frost, last frost, weather conditions, date they plant, date they harvest. If video is about planting bean seeds that is all the information you get unless they have video #2 and video #3 how to take care of beans then how to harvest beans. Videos that say, I made rows like this, I plant seeds like this, The End, that is not very helpful.

Nashville OTA TV use to be only PBS channel 8.1 and 8.2 then came channel 8.3 and about 6 months ago came channel 8.4 and 8.4 is not yet on OTA TV guide.

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