A Happy Seedling
Green Thumb
Posts: 303
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:41 pm
Location: USDA Hardiness Zone 7a

Favorite aspects of gardening poll

What are the three things in gardening you love the most? Choose one (or 'other')! Please post comments as well as your three favorite aspects of gardening.

A. Bonsai growing
B. Container gardening
C. Simply giving life to that hard seed!
D. Growing fruit from seed just to see what comes out
E. Growing fruits and veggies for bragging rights :D ("That lettuce came from my own garden, you know!")
F. Hydroponics
G. DIY gardening (building homemade greenhouses, hydroponics systems, etc.)
H. Doing the hard stuff just for a challenge (sprouting a dried mango seed, growing cacti in a hydroponics system, growing trees in pure clay [all these can be done!])
I. Other (post this in the rest of your reply)

A Happy Seedling
Green Thumb
Posts: 303
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:41 pm
Location: USDA Hardiness Zone 7a

My answers are: B, F, D.

I opened this poll because I thought it would be interesting to hear what parts of gardening others like and how their opinions differ from mine.

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