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Super Green Thumb
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Everything is planted!

As of yesterday I am DONE planting for the season! Planted everything I grew for my self under lights, planted the stuff from my spring catalog plant order, planted the stuff I bought from our church plant sale, planted the stuff that I grew that I haven't been able to find any takers for, planted the volunteer trees I dug up from around the yard...

There is NOTHING left sitting around in buckets, pots, trays, etc waiting to be planted!

On to other chores! :)

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Good for you!

I'm at the point in the seasson that I dread -- seed started plants in too-small containers deteriorating and screaming to be planted in the ground or uppotted, garden beds full of vigorous weeds threatening to overrun, newly planned unprepped beds with waist-high weeds, all doubling in height after every rainfall, first wave of daily pick or lose harvests ..... :shock: :roll:

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Super Green Thumb
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Well, there's always something. I have let tons of spinach and lettuce get by me that should have been harvested, while I've been focused on planting....

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Super Green Thumb
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Is ANYone EVER completely on top of things?! It seems like the supply of garden tasks is more or less infinite. There's always more that could be done. I could make a big long list of beds that could use more weeding or mulching, things that need pruning, compost that should be added as top dressing, problems like slugs and fungus that I should be dealing with more.... Also a gigantic pile of brush waiting to be chipped, a felled tree waiting to be cut into logs, and more trees to fell and cut into logs, etc etc....

But the things sitting around waiting to be planted are the biggest pressure on me, since they will eventually die if that doesn't happen, so that's always a relief to me when that is done. The rest all needs to be done, but doesn't have as strict a deadline.

Except I did totally fail to deadhead the smaller lilac tree this spring. Now it has already set seed, so it may not bloom very well next year. Another task that just got by me!

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