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weed/ wildflower ID?-- mulberry weed

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:03 am
by rainbowgardener
I have a new weed popping up by the hundreds. I've been trying to ID it, but haven't found it in weed or wildflower ID sites. Working on pix, but in the meantime:

Upright growth at least two feet tall

Alternate, simple leaves on prominent leaf stalks, toothed edges

Leaves are shaped like rounded triangles (or ovals with the bottom cut off), maybe half again as long as wide, and sharply pointed at the tip. About like deltoid on this chart:
[url=]leaf shapes chart[/url]

but mine isn't quite that rounded and is longer relative to the base width.

TINY whitish 4 petaled flowers in round clusters (maybe umbels) growing on a stalk from the axils where petiole joins stem

No visible leaf or stem hairs, round straight stem

Basal leaves become branches with several leaves from them and smaller flower clusters in those leaf axils.

Anybody help with this or does it have to wait until I can post a couple pix? The pix aren't great because my specimen was already pretty wilted by the time I tried to photo it.

PS not garlic mustard or white snakeroot, I'm very familiar with both of those. This has one nearly spherical umbel growing on each flower stalk with two or three stalks at each axil. Quite distinctive looking.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:01 am
by thanrose
Try Fatoua villosa, sometimes called mulberry weed. Mine are somewhat pillose or hairy, but it is pretty variable.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:33 am
by rainbowgardener
Man, got it in one, even with no picture! I'm impressed!.

Here's it's picture:

[url=]mulberry weed[/url]

And it even kindly provides me with an excuse why I didn't know this one:

This is Fatoua villosa, Mulberry Weed, or Hairy Crabweed (Moraceae). It was introduced in the United States from east Asia as recently as the 1960s. First found in Louisiana, it has rapidly spread throughout the southeastern United States, pushing north into Indiana and Ohio; it has also been recorded in California and Washington. ... In many of the northern locations for this plant, it has been found more commonly inside greenhouses. Only very recently (1991 in Ohio) has this species been observed outside of greenhouses in the northern extent of its range.

The description even mentions some little bumps ("pustules") in the upper surface of some leaves. Mine does have that, but I didn't put it in my description, because I didn't know if it was endogenous or unrelated, like insect caused or something.

Just what I needed, a brand new rapidly spreading, exotic invasive. I figured it was invasive, because I pulled hundreds of them, just left a couple to flower to try to figure out what it is. Maybe it's not even in the weed db's yet?

Now that I know, I will go back and make sure I pull ALL of them, do my little bit to slow its spread!

thanks thanrose!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:51 am
by thanrose
rainbowgardener wrote:Man, got it in one, even with no picture! I'm impressed!.
Yah, but, you gave a pretty detailed description. And this one has been annoying me for the last twenty years or so. Don't think I ever saw it before then. 8)