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can anyone id this plant? not sure if it's a weed or not

hey guys,

just wondering if anyone can id this plant? it's growing right beside my carrots and I don't remember growing anything there, it looks like a weed but I've never seen anything like it before. just want to make sure it is before I kill it.




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I do believe that is Datura (sometimes called Jimsonweed or Thorn-apple). It's quite toxic, although some cultivars are grown for the striking flowers and interesting seed capsules. Definitely not something you want growing in your vegetable garden! :eek:

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It looks like jimson weed to me also.

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I think that is what it is. thanks guys for the ID. :)

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yup, and the deserts of az would be a good place to find them... saw a fair amount of it in my navajo rez days.

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