Super Green Thumb
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Remember me?

Hi to Newt, Scott, Webmaster, and all my "old" friends. Just a quick note to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Also to update: on 21 Dec 05 I'll be heading to the hospital for spine surgery (neck). You may recall I signed off a few months ago because of pain radiating down my arms, well, even after PT, the pain is returning, so am getting "fixed" for Christmas. I miss this place and have accumulated some questions, but it still hurts to type much, so I'm saving them for post-op, when, hopefully, I'll feel much better. There is a risk to vocal cords and swallowing mechanism as they go in through the front these days, so e-mail may become my primary means of communication. If all goes well I'll be out in 2 days and recuperate at home.

Glad to see the site is still humming along. Happy Gardening to those on the other side of the equator, and for those of us up here, we'll be curling up with the pounds of catalogues that are pouring in. Miss you all, miss the chats, banter and good advice.


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Greener Thumb
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Merry Christmas, Wing!
Hope the surgery goes well. I've had some pretty bad back trouble this year so I understand the whole "it hurts to type" thing. Good luck, we look forward to hearing your gardening questions.

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Hey Wing! Welcome back! Good to see that you are still around.

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Missed you Wing!

My wife and I wish you luck on your recuperation.

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Hey there you are!

Wing, I wish you both happy holidays and a speedy recovery; we'll keep a virtual light in the window for you here...


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Hey Wing! Glad to hear you're still out there! Best of luck on your surgery, and I hope it does all it is supposed to do for you.
Best wishes for the holidays, and hopefully a much better new year! :wink:


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Nice to be remembered. Am sitting in hospital "dayroom" using their computer--who knew! Back to living on pain pills. Surgery was a success according to surgeon. Am in stiff cervical collar 2-4 weeks--will improve posture, that's for sure. About 3 months until everything knits together. Miss you all.
Happy Gardening and thanks for all the hugs.


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Hey at that rate - in three months, you'll be better just in time to start seedlings for your veggies! Then you'll have another month to get better before you have to harden them off & put them in the ground - so keep your hopes up and happy planting soon!

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Back to good in time for spring; that's what counts! :D

Happy healing holidays Wing!


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Glad to hear your surgery went well, and that you are now on the mend! Keep your spirits up, and start planning what you are going to do when you are as good as new!! Best Wishes of the Season!


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Thanks, guys, for all your good wishes and the virtual light. You just made my day (week, maybe two...). I miss you all. Well, I'm 2.5 months out and still under a lot of restrictions. Still off work, prognosis is 6-12 mo., for complete healing, so my favourite things are off limits: no gardening, motorcycling, theme parks, dancing. Sigh. My first question is about newspapers printed with soy ink. Is the colour also soy? If so, can it be used to lasagna edible beds? Or, should I save it for ornamentals only?

The vocal cords and tubes didn't respond so well, took about six weeks to get speaking voice, but I sound like a tuba. No upper register, no singing atall! Patience w/recovery is the hardest part--lots of you already know about that, eh?

I love the notes, appreciate them all. Glad to see forum is still intact, some others I've been on have been under attack this past year. Gotta go, my time is up at the library (don't have I-net at home).

HH and Happy Gardening


The Helpful Gardener
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Good to see you still about Wing. Check in; we'll be here...


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Wishing you strength. On the bright side it's good to know there's a timetable for your recovery.

Thanks for checking in! Do pop whenever you can!

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Hi Wing,

I've been thinking about you lately and wondering if you were still around. I'm sorry to hear that you are still out but, happy to hear that you are on the mend.

Unfortunately these things take time, I spent a year relearning how to walk (twice) so, just take it slow and things will get better.

You are always welcome here and I'm sending you a truckload of good vibes.

take care.

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Opa--TWICE?!! Yeesh. Guess I'll stop complaining (for a while). I've started manually adjusting my sleeping habits so my nights and days aren't so mixed up. Stamina is slowly improving, but can't hold a job yet. Still cranky when I drive, but that's another problem... Also adding calcium supp., in hopes of speeding recovery. No need to add osteoporosis to the list. Thanks again for all your "sunshine", I really appreciate it. Love to hear from anyone--unfortunately, library limits time on 'puter, so I can't read all the posts on every topic (DARN!). I miss gardening.

Happy Gardening

Super Green Thumb
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Hey Wing,

sorry to hear about your afflictions. You are now recieving some good vibes so, I hope your smiling. Keep dropping by, it's nice to have you around.

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Thanks Opa. Library is closing, so ran out of time before I got to my e-mail. Got out in the yard for a few hours this week--got some "happy vibes" and "good sore" muscles for a change.

Happy Gardening

Super Green Thumb
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I like the pain that I get when working in the garden. It's better than the other pain that I get. :wink:

And there is something soothing about working garden. I just planted 3 gooseberries yesterday and tomorrow I'm going to mow my Rye and maybe turn it over. We'll see.

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Opa, I just opened my eyes and noticed you're in Victoria, BC. I'm planning on taking a cruise to AK next year and wondering..l.If I (and spouse) came in a day or two b-4 or after the cruise, would you be up for a visit? It would be in the summer, probably July or early Aug. Nothing like being presumptive--please feel free to say no, I won't be offended. We aren't looking for free lodging. But would love another gardener's tour of the famed Gardens.? Or do you know of anyone else in area?
Happy Gardening.

Super Green Thumb
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That'd be wonderful Wing,

You and your spouse could go to Butchart Gardens (my personaly favourite is the sunken garden). You can even ask them about some really exciting organic techniques that they are experimenting with (compost tea).

Depending on how long you are here for, I may be able to take you out on my folks boat for a day of sun, surf and barbecue. Personally, I do a lot of fishing when I go out with them but, the boat is big enough that if you you and/or your wife want to just laze around, you will be able to.

A lot of nice walks and hikes around here as well.

I know the area like the back of my hand and I'm a huge fan of tea and bake my own breads that we can have on a picnic or something.

Anyway, Victoria would be happy to have you. Keep in touch!

Super Green Thumb
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Opa, thanks for the tips. Just to add insult to injury--I had a 4-day kidney stone attack this past week. Sigh.
Had I known we'd be getting two weeks of rain in MI I'da started more plants! I layered some spirea and euonymus (sp?) for a friend's garden up north. Would'a started a lot more had I known...
Happy Gardening.

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