Susan W
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Painted daisy and gazania

Has anyone planted the painted daisies or gazania annuals? It seems there may be several called painted daisy, and I got some from Prairie Moon. Chrysanthemum carintatum I am looking for some nice pop of summer color, and especially some relatively fast growing that can be put out mid-season when some annuals are getting tired. Gazania may be a shorter version, and I got some seeds off the rack. From the pics definitely pops of color! A down side of gazania is it has on packet flowers close in PM, open by day, thus not so fun for those working all day.

I planted the small trays of each, and germination within a few days.

I realize neither is native, and pollinator magnet not listed. As for pollinators, the colors should be little flags signaling 'good yard' and the butterfly, bee, hummer will find something(s) to personal liking.

Susan W
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Correction. The painted daisy came from American Meadows. I also got seeds of mountain mint (2 varieties), compass plant and gloriosa daisy (more on that later).

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I have grown Chrysanthemum carintatum, Susan.

It's been quite a few years ago. I may have over-fertilized them because I remember them as being kind of "floppy" and not standing up well to overhead sprinklers.

I first had experience with the annual Chrysanthemums working as a wholesale florist. They were not common but made an impression on me for how well the stems survived in buckets in the coolers :). The stems would actually grow and develop roots, more flower buds would form.

It made me wonder if they would grow and bloom during the winter from cuttings. They had unusual behavior for an "annual" with that strong perennial characteristic.


Susan W
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Thanks for notes on the painted daisies, Steve. I am curious to see how they grow. It sounds like a good cutting flower plant, always an asset for the home gardener!

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