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experience with plant rental businesses?

hi, I am curious to learn what experiences people have had with indoor plant rental at their office. I have heard some mixed reviews and keen to hear other peoples experiences.

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Most of the plants that are rented are in good condition, they are watered and groomed by the contractor.

On the other side of things I have heard from some of the businesses who rent plants and this is what they have to say.
People feel sorry for the plants and give them extra water, but doing that on an indoor plant can leave them too wet and prone to rot
Some people use the plant pots as ashtrays
They exchange plants regularly since most plants don't do well in low light and air conditioning. The returned plants often have to be in the isolated medical ward of the nursery until they recover.

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