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How can I keep woodchucks from destroying my garde?

I just spent a great deal of time preparing the garden..only to have woodchucks destroy what I started..I need to know how to get rid of them..
they ate my broccoli, lettuce and eggplant..hope they enjoyed it!..lol..was told that if thistle plants were planted it would keep them out..(don't know what thistle is)..anyone know anything about woodchucks?

The Helpful Gardener
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Location: Colchester, CT

Relocation is the only sure fire way to get rid of chucks; I have battled them in my mothers garden for a decade or more and short of my grandmother's solution (instantaneous lead poisoning), moving them is the only way to go...



fence your yard, get two small yaqppy dogs, I have no woodchucks chucking about in my garden, we have lots of wildlife around here, but none in our yard. I wish the insects got scared by chihuahuas too.


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