Posts: 14061
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Bonsai decisions

My bougainvillea bonsai is finally starting to recover from being down sized to a smaller pot. I may need a counter weight to keep it from falling over, because now it is more slanted than before. There was a lot of dieback after the repotting, and it is finally looking like it is putting on more leaves. I cut back the dead wood yesterday. I will try to remember to take it to the next bonsai meeting and ask the sensei for advise on how to reshape it. I know there is one branch I need to cut back. I just don't know how far I should take it.

I have a couple of other starter bonsai growing out now.
I have a nana juniper I got from the big box store. I probably should get it off the ground since it easily gets buried in the weeds. I got a shefflera from the bonsai club a while ago and cut it back and it is growing back. I got a jade with a nice shape from the garden club that should make a nice bonsai, after I thin it out a bit.

I am having problem with the grassy weeds growing in the pots. They are hard to get out.

Posts: 14061
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Today, I did a little more trimming on the bonsai plants. I cut off the branch from the bougainvillea and it does look o.k. without it. I would rather under prune than over do it.

I have so many weeds growing in the pots and they are clover and grassy weeds that are flying in, so I had to use a long nose plier for a weeder. I have tweezers somewhere, but the plier works.

I have to find some pots to repot the shefflera and jade. Especially since I already did the top work. I put a brick on the bougainvillea pot as a counterweight. I did have it leaning on a plant stand before but it interferes with the branching. I need the weight to keep it from falling over in the wind. I may still end up putting something under the other side just in case. I still don't like the pot it is in, but it was the only suitable one I could find. I have to keep looking.

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