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Pine tree is dying - Needles are brown

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:09 pm
by Newtobonsai
I just started my bonsai journey. I am in trouble. I can’t get my blue spruce to grow. The needles are brown on the main branch’s. But new growth is green but thin . What am I doing wrong. I am in Yuma Arizona. I have to water it daily.

Altitude of Trees is Important

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:25 am
by webmaster
Hi Newtobonsai,

That is a high altitude tree species (7500 feet above sea level) and Yuma, AZ is significantly lower than that.

High altitude trees have evolved for their specific ecological niche of relatively poor soil and thinner air. So it could be having trouble adjusting to the clime. It's probably possible to grow it at your altitude but it might take a lot of skill.

Blue Spruce looks to be recommended for hardiness zones 1-7 and Yuma is in zones 9 and 10.

With bonsai it's important to be highly conscious that this is an outdoor organism that is evolved for specific soil conditions, specific sunlight situations, specific wet/dry conditions and a winter of a specific period of time and temperature when it can go dormant and rest.

It's not meant to exist indoors, so getting it outdoors to get exposure to its natural environment is helpful.

You might want to try your hand with a species of tree that is native to your area. You may find success with trees like mesquite and others that have evolved to be happy at your elevation and ecological niche.

Here's an article about Arizona bonsai that might give you some inspiration.

Please report back and let us know how your bonsai journey progresses! :D