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usually it goes out around 7 am and in around lunch at times when I am around with work and lunch...that way I figure it doesnt get completely smoked

And far as a couple leaves, its usually on 1 or 2, and I might pop them off (any reason too?) and then a day or two later, its on another couple....

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mwmourer wrote:usually it goes out around 7 am and in around lunch at times when I am around with work and lunch...that way I figure it doesnt get completely smoked
That sounds completely tolerable to the tree, Is it possible that you could place it somewhere that it would get morning sun and be shaded [At least partially] through the mid-day heat? That would alleviate all the moving it about.

Again, Did you transition it gradually into the hours of sunlight it now receives? Sunburn could be the issue if you simply plunked it into the bright sunshine with no period of time for it to acclimate itself.

Is it drying out much quicker than previously? Sometimes browning in the center of the leaves can indicate that it is drying out during the heat of the day.
[I understand that you bring it in - But that has nothing to do with if it is getting thirsty or not.]
And far as a couple leaves, its usually on 1 or 2, and I might pop them off (any reason too?) and then a day or two later, its on another couple....
I suspect [at this point] the 'cure' is worse than the problem.
IMO there is no need to remove what appears to be a functioning leaf due to a tiny bit of discolor, Eventually you will run out of leaves...:P.


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Joined: Wed May 30, 2007 3:29 pm
Location: Brookings, SD

At the moment there is really no where good to put it, due to living in an apartment. I do know if I transitioned to its liking, but it was put out for a couple days for 1-3 hours in the late after noon into evening with the setting sun on the other side of the house...

I Do not think it is drying out, looks to be getting a fair amount of new growth..and I have been checking the soil 2-3 times a day for moisture under the surface, if I think its getting kinda dry, in goes the water....

I have another question also :D and I did try the search at the top and looked around on the internet some and just wasn't really finding the answer or a picture to answer the question.

In reference to the pot to us for your tree and drainage, after looking at them at the store, most if not all the pots available to me have the drain on a high point in the base of the pot, leaving a around the drain that cannot drain... Are bonsai specific pots different and is it really a problem?

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