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several question about tropicals as winter rampages

Well In Michigan winter is sort cold...although its going to be 53 which pisses me off as I don't need plants coming out of dormancy. The garage plepant will be coming out and ice cubes will be used too cool them roots anyway. I was told that can help 50's are risky.
My questions however focus more on ficus plants. I have a boiginvelia that is just casting off its flowers. I will need to cut some of the shoots they are almost pushing up against the lights. The bougie is actually pushing out of the pot, the plant has not been styled Since it was sick very sick...that no longer seems to be the issue. In several days I will have a 6 bulb 250W overhead light ant 156W from the side this will eliminate the bottom leaves falling off . However I know that these plants like to be rootbound,but I was not expecting it to push out of the pot. So here go the questions.

A. Should I should just pile on more soil and wait one more year for a transplant? My gut said yes but second opinions are always welcome.

B. If I do add soil I would add peat something that is missing from this very rocky soil, however the question is adding chealated Iron be helpful or hurtful?I do use bougain how often should be?

C. I know people have it out on the forums all the time.But is superthrive something to use?

Just a side note I started a jurnal of what plant had what done to it so as not so I can keep track of watering, pests and other such things

Greener Thumb
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Location: Cedarville (SE of Utica) NY, USA

gbhunter77 wrote:Well In Michigan winter is sort cold...although its going to be 53 which pisses me off as I don't need plants coming out of dormancy. The garage plepant will be coming out and ice cubes will be used too cool them roots anyway. I was told that can help 50's are risky.
My questions however focus more on ficus plants. I have a boiginvelia that is just casting off its flowers. I will need to cut some of the shoots they are almost pushing up against the lights. The bougie is actually pushing out of the pot, the plant has not been styled Since it was sick very sick...that no longer seems to be the issue. In several days I will have a 6 bulb 250W overhead light ant 156W from the side this will eliminate the bottom leaves falling off . However I know that these plants like to be rootbound,but I was not expecting it to push out of the pot. So here go the questions.

A. Should I should just pile on more soil and wait one more year for a transplant? My gut said yes but second opinions are always welcome.

B. If I do add soil I would add peat something that is missing from this very rocky soil, however the question is adding chealated Iron be helpful or hurtful?I do use bougain how often should be?

C. I know people have it out on the forums all the time.But is superthrive something to use?

Just a side note I started a jurnal of what plant had what done to it so as not so I can keep track of watering, pests and other such things
A. Pile on more soil? No. Wait until Spring and then re-pot.
B. Use chelated iron and fertilizer (bougain) according to the directions given on the containers.
C. Superthrive is a vitamin concoction. If your bougainvillea is growing into the lights and lifting out of the pot it doesn't need vitamins. Save your money.
D. You said that your questions "focus more on ficus plants". What ficus plants?
E. This all belongs over in the INDOOR BONSAI forum.
F. Winter is not yet rampaging if it is 53 degrees. But it will be soon. I think!

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Location: Michigan

Michigan is really screwed up temp wise. Its been in the low to mid 30s and 20s but tomorrow the forcast is 54 and the day after like 30. This type of jumping around is what we here call fall. Already had snow, so here winter has started as far as ficus plants go.

Super Green Thumb
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GB cold hearty trees who don't live in pots, but are otherwise healthy, do on occasion partialy wake up in a false spring-thaw.

Seeing the same thing in tray-trained trees is an expression of nature. Keep them cool and watered as needed and go on with life.

Life is messy, sopp it up. :)

Greener Thumb
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Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:28 am
Location: Cedarville (SE of Utica) NY, USA

And, hey, it's not just Michigan either. Just like you we had heavy snow, ice, and bitter cold in October. Nothing since. We take what we get - and live with it. Adjust.

Our trees do.

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