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My bonsai leaves are green but shrivelled

Please advise - I have a Chinese Elm that I purchased 4 weeks ago and the instructions said that when I got the plant home it may drop some of its leaves as it adjust to its new surroundings. This happened (the leaves had gone yellow) and then it stopped and I thought nothing of it until 2 days ago the green leaves started to shrivel (but not turn colour) like the plant was dehydrated - but I have been spraying the tree and the soil looked quite dry so I have watered it but to no avail.

Kind Regards

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Super Green Thumb
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I thought nothing of it until 2 days ago the green leaves started to shrivel (but not turn colour) like the plant was dehydrated - but I have been spraying the tree and the soil looked quite dry so I have watered it but to no avail.
This statement seems to imply that you had not watered the tree, other than spraying, for a month. Is this correct? This is not an appropriate approach to watering your bonsai. It needs to be watered immediately and thoroughly. I would probably water it by the immersion method ONCE as an emergency procedure.

From there out watering from above with a watering can is the best technique. The soil cannot be allowed to dry out again, nor should it be kept constantly wet. A cycle of thorough watering, then partial drying should be established.

This site has basic information that you should review, pay particular attention to the section on watering. [url]https://www.bonsai4me.com/Basics.html[/url]

Check this out as well. [url]https://www.evergreengardenworks.com/bonsaip.htm[/url]


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There is also a description of watering techniques at the top of this forum in the Stickies. Also, there is information at the Helpful Gardener website in the articles on bonsai.

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Super Green Thumb
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Also, there is information at the Helpful Gardener website in the articles on bonsai.
I found this site while searching on google, in five months I never knew that there was a front page, other than the main forum page, to this site. Others may be in the same position. Perhaps the sticky you mentioned could be edited to link to any other relevant pages.


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