El Woodrow
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Another "I'm new!" Thread (Ficus & Japanese Ma

I've been studying bonsai for about three months now and have joined my local bonsai club and attended one meeting. Yesterday, I took a trip to Brussel's, where I made my first purchases: a Japanese maple and a ficus. I don't really have any immediate plans for either of these two, but was hoping some of the more experienced folks around here could take a look at my trees and give me some opinions, advice, etc.

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks everyone.


Japanese maple

Green Thumb
Posts: 469
Joined: Sat May 22, 2010 1:15 pm
Location: NJ

congrats on your purchase. I like both trees you bought. The ficus looks alot like my 10 yrs old one except mine doesn't have the branch on the hip like yours does. For years I didn't do much with it except for trimming it shorter when its leafs are over grown on the softwood so it pretty much was kept as a boom style. This year I just pruned it back hard to the hardwood to develop more finer branching.

One thing about this fig is the semi-hardwood cuttings will root easily in about a month and every year I end up with more babies =)

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