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White Spruce Bonsai Tree care

I got a Bonsai tree for my birthday, today, and I haven't a CLUE how to take care of it. I was told it was a White Spruce Bonsai tree.


I don't know what to do, how to water it, or anything. We don't have a gardening center, really, here in town, so I would REALLY like to get some help! Please!

I was told to spritz it with water once a day (since they like that), and then I was told NOT to water it above. I was told to put a little water in the dish you see there, only to a certain point, and then let the water vapour (from it evaporating) go into the pot. However, in the five hours I've put in the water, the level hasn't changed a I'm sure that's not going to work, is it? I'm not sure WHAT to do. It's hot here, since it's nearly summer, and I was told Bonsai's don't like the summer heat (it gets up to nearly 40 degress C or about 100 degress F here), but they need to stay outside, most of the time. WHAT do I do, or where can I find EXACTLY HOW to take care of my plant! I want to at least keep this plant alive for however long I can!

Replies (especially for watering) would be nice NOW...I KNOW it's getting really dry!

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don't worry :)
Your tree is a juniper, we have alot of information here about juniper care.

When watering it is best to let the soil go almost completely dry between waterings on junipers. Water from above and soak it until water drips through the holes in the bottom of your pot, let it drain a little while then do it again. This makes sure that you have thoroughly watered your tree. don't over water your tree( over watering is when you water it to often, before the soil has had time to dry out a bit ), don't let the tree/pot sit in water in your drip tray. this might cause root rot and kill your tree.

For lighting these trees like direct sun light. Shade/filtered sun during the hottest part of the day is a good idea tho.

Junipers are a outdoor tree. To keep it happy try and find a safe place outside to put it, protect it from freezing in the winter time :)

P.S. if your soil is damp then your tree is ok and dosent need to be watered, check the soil tomorrow and if it feels dry or almost dry that is when it is time to water.

Hope this helps,
Welcome to Bonsai :clap:

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Thank-you so much!! That helps a bunch!!

Do I need to get fertilizer for my juniper bonsai, though? I was told I did...

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You wont need to worry about fertilizing your bonsai for at least a month. Let it adapt to its new home / environment for awhile before worrying about fertilizing.

If you use a chemical liquid type fertilizer ( I use Schultz plant food 10-15-10 ) mix it at one half or one third the recommended dosage on the instructions. I use it once every week during spring. During the summer I use it every 2 weeks. Then in the fall about every 3 weeks. In winter I don't use any. This might not be the best way to do it but my trees are still alive. ( this is for my outdoor trees like the juniper ).

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