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help in winter

I stumbled upon your forum and was impressed with the advice!

I have a collection of about 13 trees. I know the basics and have kept them alive/growing/flowering for about 4 years. I would like to know the exact species of each tree with specific care instrucitons for each tree. Is there a site or directory where I can match the tree by photo and then get a document stating the care instruction. I found something similar [url=https://www.bonsai-bci.com/species/indexcommon.html]here[/url] but it does not have pictures so I am not too sure what I have.

I can post pictures here in needed.


The Helpful Gardener
Posts: 7491
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:17 pm
Location: Colchester, CT

Welcome 2Bits and thanks for the nod...

As for photo's that's what lots of folks do; as easy that way as any other...

BCI is a great resource and the best way to find a club in your area. Clubs are a great way to learn from experienced folk, trade secrets and compare trees. I don't go to my group as often as I'd like because I've met some lovely people that way too.

I'm impressed that you have 13 trees that survived that long without knowing their individual characteristics :o . You are obviusly doing some things extremely well. I look forward to pictures...


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