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Location: Indiana

Has anyone here tried an American Chestnut...?

During my bonsai education, I encountered the tragic story of the American Chestnut. I heard on NPR recently that a grove of them was discovered in Georgia. These are magnificent trees, as I'm sure many of you know. The redwoods of the midwest. Monsterous.

At any rate, you can order seeds and seedlings from the American Chestnut society, and I think I'm gonna give it a try. (I don't care much about whether it miniaturizes well or not, I'll try to discover whatever genius the tree has.)

But, I'm curious if anyone here has tried one or not?


Green Thumb
Posts: 348
Joined: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:29 pm

haven't tried it, but I'd be glad ti gear your progress wuth it.

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