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Re: 2023 What's the Weather like Where You Are?

Mine got down to 40°, in my back yard, though it already says 65°, at 10 am, when I checked it, since it is sunny back there! It was 54° in front at that time, and supposed to get to 68°, and getting to 81°. I haven't been out yet, to check plants, and wasn't up early enough to check for frost! :lol:

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About 3 hours of light snow yesterday afternoon but it stayed just 1°f above freezing right through that time. Then, it dropped to 25°f 25⁰f (-4⁰C) by 2AM. So, after an extra 3 weeks + of the average growing season, we finally had a hard frost.

Here are the 3 potted tomatoes at the bottom of the backsteps receiving the snow before a hard frost:
The unheated greenhouse (sunshed) beyond the tomatoes kept the plants inside from freezing. Without heat it does okay with the perennial plants set on the floor and covered with a tarp down to quite a bit colder than that. There is a small inside bed of lettuce and Asian greens that may continue for a couple of months but I won't turn on the heat until March for the protection of next year's plant starts.

It didn't make it above 36°f (2°C) this afternoon and there was another sprinkle of snow. Fortunately, it didn't wet the roadways because the temperature will be every bit as cold tonight. This quick change to cold (from near 80f (27C) only 7 days ago) is continuing on east across the US, we are told. It will be a little warmer and still dry here, next week.

Everything was removed from the carport fridge. Temperatures like this will quickly freeze anything left in there. There are 5, 48 quart coolers in our utility room right now. They will go out on the deck during the hours of daylight when it is above freezing. We will be hard pressed to consume everything in those coolers before they have to go in the compost but ... we will do our best ;).


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The first snow is a beautiful sight to behold. However, I don't like cold, so I like to enjoy it vicariously. It is 79 degrees at 5:20 p.m. Winds are 10 mph. Sky is clear for the moment. If the temperature gets down to 70, I would feel cold.

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Our first freeze tomorrow.

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My very accurate thermometer located about 100' from the house 5' high is showing 25° F this morning. This is our first freeze of the year. There is no frost. It was 33° yesterday and no frost. Sky is clear I thought no clouds makes it frost? So far there has been no frost this fall. Frost is strange, I have seen heavy frost that looks like snow on the grass.

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It is 78 degrees at 9:30 a.m. It was hazy and smokey this morning from the wildfire burning in the forest about 8 miles away. The winds are light. The firetrucks and helicopters have been very active since staging of the water drops is on the other end of my community. No homes are threatened but ash has been falling on that end of the subdivision. This is the first day that the smoke has impacted the area where I live. The smoke and haze can be seen and the odor is present several miles away. There is more chance of rain in a couple of days, but the winds will pick up as well and the fire is not contained. It is burning native forests which are not fire resilient.

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It got down to 31° out back here, last night, yet the pepper plants don't look that bad. But I'm not trying to save anything, since I really don't need anymore peppers! It's only supposed to get to 50° today, and close to 60° tomorrow, and even higher than average (maybe 67°) Saturday. I still have cold weather crops, but I'll probably pull those peppers and other crops on this nice weekend.

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It was 22°f this morning.

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It is 85 degrees at 1:30. It is still smokey and I was coughing and my eyes were burning a bit from the fire that has burned 1100 acres and is on its 5th day. I am almost 7 miles away from the front of the fire as it is heading North and is now about 5 miles away from homes in the Mauka neighborhood. There are now 7 helicopters dropping water on the fire.

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TV says, our temperatures are 20° warmer than average. Our rain is well below average only a few sprinkles in a month. We also have a drought and burn ban there are lots of brush fires along highways, several barns and houses burned from the brush fires. I like this weather I wish it would stay like this all winter, this is much better than rain 6 days every week.

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It is 73 degrees at 6 a.m. It has been raining for a few hours. The rain is not heavy but at least it was steady for a few hours and the ground is wet. There is more rain in the forecast for the next few days, but it is light less than 0.10 of an inch. I'll take what I can get. I can smell the smoke again this morning, but the fire is now 85% contained. The fire department was busy yesterday as two other fires broke out on other parts of the island and one of the helicopters was sent to help put out one of those fires. It is really unusual for things to be so dry at this time of the year and to have fires this late in the season.

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It is 81 degrees now at 2 p.m. It rained more last night and it has been overcast all day. The odor of the smoke is a lot better now. The rain should help put out the fire. There are wild land firefighters from Mendocino, California here and they have cut a mile long fire break. Their spokesperson said this environment is much different from California. The types of trees and ferns we have are different and they are not used to the humidity but they are doing an awesome job. There is a concern after the fires are out that the native forest laid bare will be replaced with non native species. Hawaiian native forests are very long lived and they don't grow back fast. They are not used to dealing with fire. The fire has burned 1350 acres and is 90% contained. More rain on the way will help.

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It was about 69° today, about 10° above average, but tomorrow is forecast to be a little below - about 55° - then right back to around 70° on Thursday, then right back down! It's been doing this roller coaster all week, but finally it's going down for good, over the weekend. Maybe...

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Todays forecast is 83° sunny and wind gusting to 25 mph. TV repeats drought warning and burn ban over & over every few minutes. There are lots of wild fires they claim start naturally from the extreme dry conditions. TV says we are 8.6" behind in rain. I am loving this weather it is better than cold rain every day. If we have an unseasonable warm winter we could have a plague of bugs next summer.

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Expecting mid-20’s tomorrow morning and low 20’s Mon morning. Then freezing temps every morning until Friday morning when it will also go back up to 60’s (unfortunately accompanied by rain).

Need to tighten up or layer on the protective coverings again….

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It is 77 degrees now at 10:30 p.m. It got up to 84 degrees today. This is weird for November. It did start raining about 6:30 and it just started raining again 20 minutes ago. I'll take whatever rain I can get.

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The wind slowed some this afternoon/evening, we are told ...

It's a little difficult to know – not just because I haven't been out much but the difference between 35+ mph and 45+ mph is a little hard to assess. I suppose that it amounts to near chaos at the higher level. Not very cold but the windy conditions make that hard to realize, as well. I have appreciated wearing layers whenever I have ventured out.

The electric companies are only reporting about 800 customers without power. Unfortunately, a few of these folks are in a very large area that lost natural gas because of a pipe line break a couple of days ago.


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It is 71 degrees at 7:30 a.m. It is still raining and it rained overnight. It looks like it may rain overnight for a couple of more days. It is still really warm for November. Humidity is 86%. It was a bit breezy last night and every so often I can hear the wind gusting.
At 35 mph, some pots will roll around. At 45 + tarps will be lifted and it is enough to push my small car on the freeway, so I avoid driving in windy wet weather as much as possible. A lot of you are getting your first frost and snow. The season does not change that drastically for me, it should be cooler and wetter. All that is late this year. Some of orchids are confused. One of them is getting ready to bloom. It should not bloom until May. The turmeric and ginger are on time and have blossomed and the tops are drying.

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Last night was the coldest so far, getting down to 29° on my back thermometer. Only supposed to get to 52° for a high today, which is about 5° below average. There was still frost at 10 am - I was too lazy to go out and clean the car off, to go to Aldi, when they open, so I'll just go later; though I don't usually do that, they have the crimini for sale, @.99 for half lb, and butter @$2.49/lb, which I have to stock up on...cookie season is almost here!

Update - 42° must still be too cold for most (or they just haven't gotten used to it yet!), because there were very few customers at Aldi, at 11 am. I got my 6 lbs of butter, a couple lbs of cremini, some 95¢ celery, and a couple of other things. I have to check my freezer inventory, and see if I have enough now, or should get another 6 lbs of butter (limit for the deal).

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Went down to 22°F here.

… I haven’t made it outside… although originally I thought I might test run my rocket stove with some of the older branches to make room for the new ones.

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It is 74 degrees at 9:24 a.m. It is a nice breezy day with thick cloud cover. There should be a good chance of overnight rain. It should peak around 80-82 degrees. This is still warm for November. But the plumeria is dropping leaves, and the ginger and turmeric are yellowing so the plants can certainly detect the change of the seasons. My version of "snow" is the annual dropping of plumeria leaves. Plumeria are native to Florida and the Caribbean, not Hawaii. True tropical plants only drop a few leaves but do not defoliate. Time to rake up leaves and prune plumeria trees.

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Growing tired of the rain – okay, that doesn't sound like me. How about that I'm tired of the clouds and darkness?

We have had rain on 10 days, out of the 15 this month. We haven't hit 2 inches for November yet but should soon. That would be double normal which should be of help for the environment. It isn't torrential rainstorms just misting, drizzling, sprinkling over the hours and that is about it. Temperatures not 10 degrees F above freezing during the afternoons and right at freezing in the morning. Dense fog during those morning hours.

It feels like Winter but Winter on the Northwest Pacific Coast and not much like 300 miles inland with high, snow-covered mountains in between here and Puget Sound.


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Would those kinds of weather normally produce snow with lower temperatures?

Sure sounds dreary ☁️ 🌫

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It is 70 degrees at 8:30 a.m. I am cold, but I just had a peanut butter banana smoothie for breakfast. It rained last night and it is still drizzling with more rain in the forecast for the next three days. It is still just light rain, but the high temperature will be around 79 degrees the next few days so it finally feels like "winter" for me. Nothing what you guys get, but I will take rain over snow and freezes any day. I don't like being cold.

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applestar wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:27 am
Sure sounds dreary ☁️ 🌫
It is ...

It is somewhat surprising that we aren't having a mix of rain and snow. At least. Saturday night is supposed to be slightly above freezing with rain and more wind will be kicking in.

A blanket of fog or strong winds from the coast – the air mass is warmer over the Pacific during these months. Astoria, near the mouth of the Columbia, has not had a killing frost. The Columbia River provides an avenue for wind to move through the Cascade Mountains and is the usual path for our weather. Running north to south, those mountains provide quite a barrier.


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It is 74 degrees. A cold front is coming that should get here by Sunday-Monday and bring more rain. It has been breezy with winds anywhere from 6-22 mph. I had 0.5 inches of rain in the rain gauge that represented about 3 days of overnight rain. Tonight the temperature should be around 64.

I know that is warm for most of you, but anything that approaches 70 is cold for me.

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It got almost that hot here today, 72°! Not quite a record, but close. And it will be back down to normal tomorrow - around 55° - and a little cooler the next couple of days. And little chance for rain, until Tuesday and Wednesday, though in the last couple of months, this hasn't been happening much.

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At 5 this morning it was 62 degrees. Now, it is 77 at 10:30. It is around 80 degrees at sea level. It is overcast but not much wind for now. Later today more rain is expected from the cold front that is approaching the islands.

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It is 72 degrees at 9 a.m. The wind is 6 mph from the west. It has been raining since last night, but nothing big. There is just a light drizzle now. Just enough to make the roads slick. I am just getting the rain from the tail end of the cold front. Most of it is raining on the ocean.

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It's raining over there, no rain over here. TV says we are 10" below in rain.
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It is 69 degrees at 7:45 a.m. It is overcast and has been intermittently drizzling to light rain. More of the same is expected. Yesterday. I went to my bonsai meeting in the rain. The freeway speed was 25 mph and traffic was intermittently stopping because it hasn't rained for so long. Unfortunately the highway wasn't any better, they were moving at around the same speed for the same reason. It was only a light rain. At the meeting some people said they had no rain at all and others got a deluge. That is how scattered our rain is normally.

I don't have the wide temperature variation you do, but the wind keeps shifting direction. Today it has shifted to the NW at 9 mph. It is bringing a swell to the islands which the surfers like, but they do have to be careful of brown water.

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TV says, there are over 100 wild fires burning in TN. Smoky mountain national park is on fire again. It sounds like no one received very much rain. I hope we keep having this warm 60° weather for a few more months.

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The rain started here about 2 pm, and it is dark and dingy, though not supposed to rain hard until much later. Still in the high 40s, but the temperature is supposed to start going up later, when it gets dark, and that heavy rain starts! Up to 60° tomorrow, with rain leaving early, and up to 55° for Thanksgiving - about average.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and stay safe, when out on the roads, or wherever you might be traveling!

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We have a very heavy frost this Thanksgiving morning it looks like it snowed. Everything is white it looks very nice.

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It is 77 degrees at 10:52 a.m. It is overcast, but there are patches of blue coming through the thick clouds. There was 0.4 inches of rain accumulated over 6 days.

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It is 76 degrees at 4:45 p.m. wind at 3 mph. It rained last night and it has been overcast all day. I went out early to get gas and do a little Christmas and grocery shopping at Walmart. I had 0.2 inches of rain in the rain gauge. A Kona low will pass through the islands and hit Oahu tomorrow sometime. It will be a rain event without a lot of wind. Two to Five inches are predicted. Rain is expected to be heavy at times, but they don't know where it is going to land so there is a surf and flood advisory starting today till Wednesday. The bulk of the rain should come tomorrow. There is a second Kona low that is coming close on the heels of the first one and that is the one people are more concerned about because the ground will already be wet. Kona winds usually bring warm rain and muggy conditions as it draws up moisture from the south. I have a club meeting tomorrow night but if the rain is heavy, I may not go.

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It is 69 degrees at 9 a.m. It has been raining intermittently. There is a patch of blue with the sun out, but there is also thick grey clouds beyond that. Most of the rain will come today and tomorrow, but it is unpredictable where it is going to fall because Kona lows are different from other storms. It comes from the west instead of the NE, and it pulls up moisture from the south so it is not a solid line of showers but pockets of thunder storms and rain. This is why sometimes the rain is a very light drizzle but can suddenly become a downpour. It can also have pockets of clear skies like it is now. So Kauai and Oahu have a flood watch until Thursday. Maui is getting some rain and the system will move down the island chain eventually, so the flood watch may be extended to the other islands later.

The state has known about the system coming for a week so they have dredged the canals and stream outlets that needed it. People living next to streams know what to expect. It is much harder to predict land slides, mud slides and storm water redirection. In the past storm water has taken strange paths that were unexpected. I live at 600 ft and the end of the road ends on a cliff into a gully and I am 2 blocks from the nearest ravine. I put gutters on my lanai roof this year and so far when it has rained, it has redirected the water away from my lanai, so it has not flooded since then. I do get some puddling where the gutter empties, but it is in a place that is able to drain out eventually. I will have some soil erosion ending up on the sidewalk that I will have to sweep back in. That happens anytime I have significant amounts of rain. Impacts really depend on how fast the rain comes down. If it is slow and intermittent the dry soil can absorb a lot of rain.

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I had over an inch of rain on Sunday, which I won't complain about, due to our lack of rain most of the year. Yesterday it got colder, about 47° for the high, but today it only got to 38°, and 27° for last night's low, and tonight and tomorrow are forecast for the same extremes, which is about 15° below average, for this time of the year. Fortunately, I didn't have a whole lot to do outside, though yesterday I dug up one of my last plants - a dill plant that is lasting longer than any I have ever grown, before bolting, which is why I want to save seeds from the plant.

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It was cold this morning — mid-20’s overnight — and even colder tonight with forecast for 23°F.

When I went outside this morning, I was surprised to see one weather app display “snow flurries expected during next hour” and was kind of doubtful, but we did see some around 9:30am and lasting for 15 to 20 minutes. :shock:

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What is the difference between a 24° freeze and a 24° hard freeze? We are having a HARD freeze tomorrow morning. Broccoli & Cauliflower are on there own.

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