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Leaves Yellow on my Plant ☹️

Hello everybody
I have a plant that my daughter gave me in Mother’s Day but unfortunately after 6 months I take care of it, it got sick😭😭 leaves get yellow and there is some webs on it. I was wondering if somebody can help me ?

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Primary causes of yellowing
Watering issues, too much or too little
or nutrients

It could be both. Feed the plant with a slow release fertilizer. I use osmocote, about a teaspoon should be enough. Pot it up to a pot one size larger. Get a pot that does not have an attached saucer. If you must use a saucer, turn it upside down in a tray. Keep the tray dry. Water as needed. If the soil is damp, it can wait. Water before the plant goes limp; when the soil is barely damp a couple of inches down in the soil. Use your finger to test. Make sure the plant has adequate light and good air circulation.

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Definitely watch how you water as imafan said.

Also, if you are seeing webs especially where the leaves attach to the stem, there may be spider mites or other pest mites — I do think I see tiny white spotting on the very faded leaves which indicates most of the chlorophyll have been sucked out by the pests.

Do you have a faucet that sprays in your kitchen sink? If you do, put your plant in the sink, wrap up the pot and cover the potting mix to protect from spillage and too much water, lay the pot on it’s side, then spray the under side of the leaves with water to blast off the mites. Mites are tiny and you probably won’t be able to see them.

Soap up the plastic wrapping the pot and soil and rinse off to get rid of any that may have fallen on the plastic.

Do this twice a week.

If you don’t have a spraying faucet, use a spray bottle adjusted to larger droplets than mist.

If you don’t see improvement, you may want to use a miticide.

A home made miticide can be made with light cooking oil like rapeseed oil or canola oil, a bit of soap liquid, and baking soda mixed in water and put in a sprayer or used as dip.

Ratio of the ingredients is important because if too concentrated, the solution can kill the plant. I’ll look up the recipe if interested.

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