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Re: 2021 What's the Weather Like Where You Are?

Didn't get enough rain yesterday to make up for the excess dryness. Today is extremely windy, like 30 or 40 mph. I will not be going out in that, it's too hard to work when your stuff keeps blowing around. Current temperature is 60. Tree branch is hitting the gutter outside on front porch. I've got my crackling fire cd going, I'm going to snuggle on the couch and crochet.

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NO Frost here. TV claims it is 33°F here. Their temperature reading comes from the roof of our hospital about 7 floors up 3 miles from our house. My digital electronic thermometer 3 ft from the house says 39°F, I suspect this reading is always 2° or 3° high it is warmer near the house unless wind is flowing. My very accurate thermometer out in the garden says, 36.2° F. It was cloudy & over cast all night no way it could frost. Todays high is predicted to be 50°F over cast all day.

We have a freeze warning tonight 30°F.

Sat & Sun 71°F day & 47° at night.

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Official temp went down to 32°F, proving once again NEVER count on the forecasts to keep your garden safe.

“Patchy frost” warned here turned out to be SOLIDLY frosted front yard in the NW sector, with frozen ice droplets and frost that could be scraped off of the plastic tunnel covers and the north side of my Sunflower House high hoop tunnel — good thing I doubled that north wall….

Lowest available forecast for last night’s low was 34°F, tonight and tomorrow are 33°F and Friday-Sat is 31°F… I think I’m more likely looking at killing freeze in the upper 20’s. :x :shock:

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I had a solid frost @ about 5:45 am, when I looked outside - all the autos, lawns, and anything else was covered with a heavy frost. It only got down to 35° in my back yard, but fortunately, all of my plants that had to come in, are in. Everything else left is cold weather greens.

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No frost expected here yet but possible frost in North Texas. Rain/storms expected this afternoon. Saw a night or two this weekend that showed in the high 30's. Idk if that means a frost yet but I need to pick the last of my peppers as well. Everything else is a cold crop. Current temperature is 51.

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Protective nonwoven fleece and plastic film tunnels and covers were sufficient for yesterday’s frost and more protected back yard that didn’t get frost.

DD’s helped bring most of the vacationing plants in yesterday— a few frost/freeze hardy were left in the Patio hoophouse. I also added more protection for most of the the season extension fall/winter harvest projects.

This morning, it’s been below freezing for hours and official at 5:30am is 30°F. Remote thermometer in the Patio Hoophouse is reporting 35.2°F….

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33°F and frost in TN, glad we don't live in MI.

Michigan relatives have, 12" snow in Cadillac, 13" snow in Lake City, 18" snow in Alpena, it snowed hard all day yesterday. Larry & Joann moved to Folia AL 8 miles from the ocean beach nice weather there, they called yesterday to rub it in. Wife's sister Mary said, be quiet I don't want to hear it. LOL :)

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Still 35° is the lowest it's gotten outside of my house, and frost all over everything. This is the last day forecast for the low 50s - slow increase in temps, until it is in the mid 60s again! I'll wait a couple of days to do more outside. I always wait until all the leaves are down to even start cleaning up! Some of those I grind up I'll put on the garlic bed, to add to that layer.

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It shows how different critical temperatures can be even when locations are not that far apart.

It went down to 30°F here. My Sunflower House remote reported 31.3° this morning, and the Patio Hoophouse reported 34.5°. I need more heat sink/mass in the Sunflower House — maybe a rain barrel full of water…..

I think we’ll get that 28°F low tonight-tomorrow morning.

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32°F with heavy frost & heavy FOG with clouds. I don't recall ever seeing fog & frost at the same time. High 61 today & 70s next week. I should have taken photo an hour ago there was more frost & I could barely see house across the street.

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This morning was the coldest here yet; 33° at the coldest thermometer, and it is the slowest to warm up, despite the sun being out in full. It was still 40°, when I looked at 10:20, but today is supposed to get warmer than the last several days, starting the gradual increase to a possible 70° next Friday! As always, crazy weather.

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Last night I got a short but intense storm. Don't know what time it was I was too tired to look, lol! Loud claps that shook my house. Wind was terrible but thankfully nothing blew away. Temperature this morning was a cool 60. It's currently cloudy and warming up. Guess I'll replant my spinach today.

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I just read a Guardian article about the flooding disaster in British Columbia and Vancouver area — @VanIsleBC are you OK?

Aerial footages of the flooding, mudslides, bridge collapse, juxtaposed with seemingly serene snowscape that belie the deadly temperatures are unreal.

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Vancouver seemed to have dodged the "bomb cyclone" which caused some flooding in Oregon. This storm, I guess it is just considered a "Pineapple Express" that hits the Pacific Coast, now and then. It really looked like the corner of the US closest to Canada had the most flooding. North of the border, things must have been really rough.

Here, it was mostly wind. I had to reattach the flashing on the greenhouse roof. The neighbor has some sort of protective growing. He lives on the next road over and 2 doors down to the west. One of his plastic panels blew from one road to the other and ended up one more lot to the west. I'd guess that was nearly 100 yards over several fences and garages!

Not terrible, terrible winds so I don't think any of the nearby trees blew down this time. And, as soon as the clouds and near-record warm air blew away, the thermometer dropped from mid-60's to 17°f in about 12 hours (18°C to -8°C) here at home.

Then, it snowed a little, with more predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

;) Steve

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The news reports from Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest was dramatic. I do hope we hear from VanIsle soon. I am sure power as well as roads probably are out as well.

I do know what it is like to live on an island when your main and sometimes your only roads are impassable.

It finally rained, but it was not as much or as bad as was advertised. I still had to water the yard. It was overcast for a couple of days with no wind. That was the worst part of it.

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Big system passed through with steady rain for a while as well as blustery 25mph gusts — which is continuing.

But the winds have helped to clear the skies and I managed to find the moon in eclipse — but I can only see it by laying my head on a windowside table and looking up at a twisted angle….

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Last tiny sliver left. I love this stage of the lunar Eclipse when the three dimensionally of the moon becomes clearly visible and there is a visceral realization that it IS a sphere hanging in space, with stars beyond that you normally can’t see highlighting the perspective.

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5 am I'm up early with leg cramps its 28°F outside & a very nice looking full moon. I missed the eclipse we actually have a very clear sky that is very rear in TN to be able to see the moon. Wow I miss big sky country AZ moon and billions of stars every night.

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21°F at 6:45 am warmed up to 40°F today.

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Elsewhere on the internet, someone from Toronto-Ottawa area of Canada was muttering —
mike: 15°F here this morning before sunrise... Nov 28, 2021 at 4:40am

mike: 22°F this morning.... Nov 27, 2021 at 5:29am
I should know by now to pay attention to these early warnings … from that area and also Tennesse-Kentucky region… because inevitably, the same, similar, or comparative temperature change arrives here a couple of days to a few days later.

As it turned out, it got down to 23°F here overnight.

I got caught up in doing something yesterday, so didn’t do everything I could have done to prep for the temp drop. :|

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Continuing to be colder than average here, though still not getting super cold, as lows are barely freezing - only down to 30° here last night. 3rd driest November on record for the area, I just heard, which doesn't surprise me, as I actually had to water some things recently, in containers. Usually, once I turn the water off, I don't need it again! Thursday is supposed to get much warmer, so hopefully I will get the rest of those leaves ground up - most have blown down with all this wind we've had lately!

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"As the province of British Columbia experiences extreme weather conditions, multiple road closures are affecting the transportation of goods across Western Canada. As a result, you may experience a delay in receiving items in your order"

That's a severe understatement.

State of emergency is being extended another 2 weeks, province-wide (about 365,000 square miles, or 1.5 times the size of Texas). This flooding will badly affect future food production, among many other things.

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Vanisle_BC wrote:
Tue Nov 30, 2021 12:38 pm

"As the province of British Columbia experiences extreme weather conditions, multiple road closures are affecting the transportation of goods across Western Canada. As a result, you may experience a delay in receiving items in your order"

That's a severe understatement.

State of emergency is being extended another 2 weeks, province-wide (about 365,000 square miles, or 1.5 times the size of Texas). This flooding will badly affect future food production, among many other things.
Nothing on our TV News about this but I found online video, WOW.

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Thanks for posting that link Gary. Bear in mind that 'Fifth Estate' is a show that thrives on sniffing out incompetence & avoidance of accountability. They delight in embarrassing bureaucrats and others so they may have overdone that aspect a bit. But I think they largely got it right.

To my way of thinking this is technocracy, politics and economic recklessness reaping the rewards of their own chutzpah. 'Experience has been making the same mistake over & over again but with increasing confidence'

And :D it wouldn't surprise most Canadians that this disaster wasn't reported much further south (Even though Washington state didn't entirely escape it)

Haha, I don't want to hear you complaining about rain, ever again :-() Just kidding. I can afford to joke about this because where I am we escaped unscathed except for disrupted supplies & gasoline rationing.

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It rained briefly the last couple of days. The road was wet but it only lasted for about 15 minutes of hard rain. I still had to water the yard. The highs are about 79 degrees and the low in the mid 60's. More rain is expected for the weekend and the temperature will drop to the mid 70's in the day and low 60's at night. The cool temperatures are keeping the soil very wet so I can go a day or two watering the plants except for the small pots and cuttings that still need to be watered daily.

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It snowed in Hawaii. Well, not where I am, but it does snow on Haleakala and Mauna Kea. The first snow fell today. I think they said there was about 4 inches. Most of that will melt during the day. Right now on the Mauna Kea live cam the temperature at the summit is 5.4 degrees C. The snow this early is transitory often melting very quickly when the sun comes out. I could see some snow in the background on one of the live cameras and a lot of fog.

It rained at my house most of the night and intermittently during the day. The wind has been gusty at times. It is actually blowing mud into the windows. This is a problem with jalousie windows. It is the best for maximizing air circulation but this type of glass is not air tight even when it is closed. Some of the pots have fallen over so I will have to go pick them up later. Needless to say, I am working on stuff in the house instead.

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It was 75°F today, partly sunny, 15 mph wind gusting to 20. Saturday about 70°. Sunday about 65°. Monday storms with 2" of rain 60°, 60° & rain all week.

Windows 11 is not the problem. Browser is the problem. Chrome has spell check & alt codes but Edge does not. ¼ ½ ¾ :) 🍷

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I saw the Hawaii news headlines — “BLIZZARD IN HAWAII !”

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When the snow and winds pick up the road to Mauna Kea is usually closed. The only "people" who regularly go up there are the scientists from the observatories and the protestors. There are a lot of observatories on Mauna Kea because it is so isolated. They need to have a place where city lights won't interfere with the telescopes.

Haleakala, on Maui, is a tourist destination, but upcountry Maui is mostly farmland. There are cattle, a lavender farm, and in Kula, most of the sweet Maui onions, and cabbages are grown. I have been up there with the fog and puddles that are iced on top. I also experienced the rattle of the pipes and slushy ice coming from the tap.

It is a chilly 66 right now and tonight there is still a flood watch. The low is predicted to be around 59. Most of the rain fell on Oahu today, but Maui and the Big Island are getting more inches because the rain bands pass quickly when it is windy over Oahu, but it stalls on the Big Island and lingers.

There is another band of showers that is also headed our way and a few days later.

So far, although it is an annoyance, the rain has been needed. It has been really dry and parts of the island had not greened up and that is unusual for this time of the year. The wind is gusting from 20-40 mph, so it is blowing my curtains around. My rain barrel was already full so it is overflowing. So far the rain has been slow and sometimes very brief, so the rain has had time to get absorbed into the soil instead of running off. This is a good kind of rain that will help recharge the aquifers.

Windows 10 came with the edge browser, but I am using firefox which uses google for the search engine. Firefox works best with the sandbox software.

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It was exciting to wake up to a very bright flash and loud BOOM, thunder shook the house and thunder rumbled through the sky for several seconds. Lightning & thunder kept coming so we turned on the TV. Tornado warnings on every channel. Rain pounded the roof for 3 hours it makes the whole house rumble. Sun has been coming up about 6 am but not today, it was still dark at 7 am. I can see water standing in the garden & low area of the yard near the street is a pond. 7:45 am slow moving storm has moved east rain has slowed to a sprinkle. Tornado sighting in many places. At the moment closest tornado sighting is 60 miles south west of us at Tullahoma TN and another tornado 70 miles north east of us at Cookville TN. Woodbury TN reported storm damage to their high school. No other damage reports yet. It has been so dry we need rain. I hope hard rain does not wash away potato hills.
Last edited by Gary350 on Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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It rained all night and most of today. I picked up more fallen pots and the tower garden fell again. It is too heavy when it is wet to put back on so I have left the tiers on the ground. The top three tiers had broken plants and soil spilled on the ground. I harvested the broken cilantro and put some of the plants back in the tier. I will have to wait until the rain stops and the pots dry out to try to put them back together.
The rain did stop for a couple of hours before starting up again.

There was some damage from the storm on the Big Island with flooding, trees falling, and power out in some places and a tree fell on a water tank so ironically with all the water, some people don't have water in their houses. Maui got 13 inches of rain and all that water ended up going down hill in a river and flooding Kihei.

Today, it was Oahu's turn. Parts of East Honolulu had flooded roadways. The officials are urging people to stay home if they don't have to go out. The flood watch has been extended and the rain will hit Kauai next, but it will probably be a couple of days more heavy rain before the system clears out. This storm is Kona low, so the direction of the rain is from the South rather from the North east. That is probably why it is warmer than it was yesterday and there is less wind today.

My lanai did flood today because of so much rain falling all at once, but otherwise it is less windy than last night. Amazingly, my power has stayed on and that is a record. Right now, just staying inside with my jacket and blanket.

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I’d hoped you were OK @imafan, since you’ve told us before that your house is on higher ground. Stay warm, and I hope all goes uneventfully — but so sorry that tower garden fell again after you worked to get it back going and it had been recovering… :(

We’re anticipating colder temps — 33°F now and likely freezing temp by sunup, and they’re still predicting snow on Wednesday with “slight accumulation” here but maybe more elsewhere — typically more in Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia and northwestern NJ

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It didn't get as cold overnight as it was supposed to - only down to 36°, and already up to 38°. Still, only supposed to get to 42 or 43° today.

I hope things get better out there soon, imafan! At least you are up high, and the power is still on.

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More rain is expected today, but the clouds are thinning and there was a pink sunrise poking through the clouds. Most of the rain is between Kauai and Oahu now. There may still be more rain today on Oahu at least till this afternoon. The system will be impacting Kauai more as it is moving westward. The Big Island and Maui are drying out with just a few local showers. They are cleaning up and still have power outages to deal with. Some beach roads were eroded so that will make traffic worse.

Most of the flooding and power outages are in the low lying areas at or near sea level or near streams. I got an email from the garden in Pearl City where I volunteer. The garden is in a flood zone and with this much rain it was inevitable that the garden would be flooded. It is 13 ft above sea level. When it rains heavily and especially if it rains at high tide, the garden will flood. Water comes up from the ground even when there is no rain when there is a King tide. The email told us not to come to the garden because part of the road and the gardens are flooded. The lower end of the herb garden I care for is probably under water. The last time it flooded it took almost two weeks for the water to recede. I lost a 7 year old bay leaf to root rot because of the poor drainage.

This system was slow moving so we have known it was coming for a week. The city and State knew they could not stop all damage but did have crews dredge the main canals and stationed equipment around the island in case roads became impassible.
They also had cameras and people watching streams and canals that have been flooding points in the past, as well as the Wahiawa reservoir that has a leaky dam. Because of the long drought, the reservoir was actually quite low so it has more capacity than normal now.

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I just saw more footage on WC from Hawaii - that's terrible! They are talking about how much is yet to come. :(

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Kauai will be seeing most of the heavy rain today. It should clear out by tomorrow. After that, there will be the massive clean up. The state has already told people to document their damage with pictures. The freeway was flooded last night, but crews were out in waist deep water keeping the drains clear and the roads were reopened once the rain let up and the drains caught up. There are still a lot of fallen trees, some roof damage from winds, lots of mud, some slides and erosion of roads,power outages, as well as some homes that got flood damage.

I have some mud that slid down onto the sidewalk, but I still have the flower bed that is not fully grown back, so it is minor, it just needs to be swept. I will have to wait another day before I get into the yard. I don't have standing water, but I do have places where water pools in pots and on tarps, I will have to remove the water from that and put out mosquito bait. I will also have to fungicide all of the plants that need it like the cucumber, peppers, eggplant, orchids, and roses.

I have some dirt that came in my windows and I just need to clean up a bit. Most of it is minor. The lanai only floods because it is lower than the yard. When it rains faster than the yard can drain, the lanai floods. However, once the water recedes the water will move out of the lanai quickly so it does not stay flooded. Since this happens a lot, I have most things in buckets and bags. The fertilizer, is in buckets and I put the one open bag I had up on top of the buckets to keep it from getting wet.
Most of the other things are not going to be badly affected by the water.

The rain even pushed some dirt onto my covered entry and about half the entry is wet. Not a problem. It has a concrete floor and I just have to hose it or sweep it once it dries. Not a good idea to sweep mud, it just smears everywhere.

We do get heavier rain in the rainy season, but this was unusual because it is a Kona low. Normally, the wind and rain come from the NE. Kona winds come from the South. It is also why we had a pink sunrise today. That is from the volcanic haze = vog from the volcanic activity. A slow rain is good, but when it comes down fast and hard, it can cause a lot of damage. Unlike the mainland, getting things fixed is slow because it is not like we can call for help from outside sources. Restoring power, fixing the roads that have been eroded or blocked by mudslides take a bit longer. Neighbors and family will help clean up.

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Weather: a little bit of rain early monday morning caused a decrease in temperature. It had been nice and warm for awhile now but now is back to being cold. I hate Texas winters. Warm one day or week then freezing cold the next. That's why I have trouble starting my fall crop. Current temperature is 51. High today was 57. Low last night was 44.

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Tomato nut. Do you have Adblock?

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imafan26 wrote:
Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:25 pm
Tomato nut. Do you have Adblock?

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