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What tricks do you know for cooking with Herbs?

I am watching TV cooking shows tonight, several in a row 7pm to 10pm NPT channel several nights every week. Tonight they mention Holland Peppermint Potatoes. A quick 2 second view of the dinner food looks good, I want to visit Holland just to eat their food. LOL. They did not tell how to make peppermint potatoes. I don't know if potatoes are mashed, boiled, fried or ???

Most cooking shows add herbs to a tablespoon of hot oil cook for 30 to 60 seconds. Some cooks add herbs at the end of the cook to avoid cooking away the flavor.

I told wife about Holland peppermint potatoes. She said nothing for several seconds then....................she said, that might be good.

HOW would YOU cook peppermint potatoes?

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Some spices are toasted first in order to release or open up their flavors. Saffron, cumin seeds, cardamon seeds, etc. I usually skip this step, lol, and just use the preground spices.

But Saffron can benefit the dish with a light and slow saute so I do it for that.

As for the potatoes, more times than not I like to boil them for at least ten to fifteen minutes, then cube them or cut them into thick fries and then roast them.

If I'm cubing the potatoes I first create a marinade of oil, sweet paprika, maybe a half to whole teaspoon of smoked paprika, cumin, roughly chopped onions, salt and maybe a quarter to half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder then put the potatoes in that then transfer to a baking sheet pan. Then roast it at 425 for about 15 minutes, flip them around, then roast for another ten to fifteen minutes.

Paprika burns, so I sometimes omit it. I'm thinking that next time I cube the potatoes of maybe adding the paprika on the flip so that they are only on the potatoes during the final 10 - 15 minutes.

I've never heard of peppermint potatoes, sounds gross! Potatoes aren't native to Holland so, lol,heh... maybe it's an adaptation of a Dutch recipe for a root dish.

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I have never heard of Holland potatoes either. I do know that usually mint is added at the end of most recipes or as a garnish.

Dried herbs and spices are usually added early; fresh herbs are added mainly at the end. There are exceptions. Bitter herbs like oregano, rosemary, and thyme are usually added earlier even when they are fresh. Dried chilies are usually added in the beginning to make chili oil. With the exception of dill and bay leaves most dried herbs will lose intensity once dried. Normally, you would use twice the amount of fresh herb than dried herb in a recipe because the fresh herb has more water and more volume.

I did find this recipe for boiled new potatoes that used butter and mint ... -and-mint/

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