Greener Thumb
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spiders misc

I have lots of spiders. They love the arborvitaes. I took some pictures of this one spider that was on my porch. One picture looks like a ballet pose and the other one looks like a ninja pose. I have such talented spiders.

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Excellent descriptions.

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Nice. People are afraid of spiders, including me. However, they are beneficial in the garden as they trap other insects, I like to have around even less.

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Yep — every time I see a big spider, I wonder how many of the unwelcome pest bugs it might have eaten to get that big….

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Ick, I don't do spiders. They scare me. However, some don't.

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I was very glad to come across this video since I had the impression that Yellow Sac Spider IS one to watch out for (though not AS venomous as Brown Recluse) and should be evicted when found — it sounds like they can be reinstated to “Patrol” status.

The Spiders in your House - The Yellow Sac Spider - YouTube
The Spiders in your House - The Yellow Sac Spider

Travis McEnery
Dec 26
A close look at Cheiracanthium mildei, the Yellow Sac Spider, how it will behave (and affect you) living in your house, the bite and the venom, and other fascinating stuff.


Greener Thumb
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I love garden spiders but in the house we have these almost microscopic spiders that spin webs in the corners of rooms and on light fixtures. I don't know what they hope to catch and eat since there is nothing ever in the nets when the webs are daily being removed by my clean freak wife...or me when I think about it.

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