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What are you dreaming at night?

Day before yesterday wife wanted me to put both wind chime hangers up again. I spent an hour looking for the hangers an gave up. That night I dreamed where the hangers are. Next morning I got out of bed & the hangers were right where I dreamed they were.

About a month ago I needed the special chain saw wrench I looked for 1 hour & gave up. A few hours later I was determined to find the chain saw wrench so I looked for a whole hour and gave up. That night I dreamed where the wrench is. Next morning I found the wrench right where I dreamed it was.

45 years ago I kept a tape recorder next to my bed, soon as I woke up I put the dreams on tape. Dreams are always forgotten never to return but when I listen to that tape 20 years later all those dreams come back in detail like I dreamed them last night.

Psychologist say, dreams are a form of temporary controlled insanity.

About 40 years ago I dreamed. I flushed the toilet, I hear the water doing down then up inside the wall then over the ceiling. Water came out of a pipe in the ceiling and went back into the toilet. I flushed the toilet again, water went up through wall & out the ceiling pipe and back into the toilet. I flushed toilet about 10 times, water returned to the toilet 10 times. LOL. Is that crazy or what. Someone should made a TV show about dreams.

Last night I dreamed. If you have brain worms they bore holes in your forehead an start coming out. If you have a worse case of brain worms they bore holes in the back of your head too an come out. I woke up an feel like yelling, WHAT THE @#$% AM I DREAM THIS junk FOR.

I often have much better dreams like, Hiking the Grand Canyon, Camping at Yellowstone National Park, Zion National Park, Death valley National Park, Titus canyon, Giant Red wood tree forest, Arcadia National Park, Superstation mountain National Park, Riding my bicycle on a 400 mile camping trip. College days. planting the garden. I even dream about all the different jobs I had and each class I had in college and each class in high school and friends I have not seen in 50 years. Growing up on the farm in grade school is my very best favorite dreams.
Last edited by Gary350 on Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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As a kid I dreamed about finding a cache of toys or candies. Later on it was banknotes. Waking up was a huge letdown.

Once I dreamed I was standing on the foredeck of a submarine starting to dive, with my bootlace caught in a closed hatch. In that one waking up quick was OK.

I only ever had one dream that seemed psychologically significant. I was in bed sick. The doctor was a black man (I'm pink :)) As he bent over me I saw that he was really myself but a different color. Then he said 'Get up! There's nothing wrong with you.'

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My dreams usually involve shopping, fishing or a tornado. Every now and then, I'll dream I'm driving down strange roads. Not long ago I dreamed I was fishing through a see-through floor. Sometimes I'll have movie characters make cameo appearances. Trust me, my dreams are extremely strange.

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I can’t think of a dream to share atm — but the brain worms dream sounds a lot like a visualization exercise I do sometimes when I’m feeling unwell — physically or mentally — I imagine a golden shimmering pane of light — like a screen — that passes full length up from the mattress and basically screen and push out all the bad stuff from head to toe as a dark, black smoke like roiling mass. When the golden light passes up over me, it expands into a protective dome to keep out the bad stuff that had been eliminated from re-invading my thoughts and body.

Yes, if anyone is a BLEACH fan, murmur to yourself “I reject” :wink:

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Oh I love those calming visualizations. I have several. In a favourite one I'm standing under a warm waterfall. The water enters my head and flows down through me. It flushes my mind & body of all that's unhealthy or unhelpful and I see the debris leaving at my feet - the water carrying away particles of grit and little bits of twig.

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Last night I dreamed our whole 1¼ acre yard is planted with millions of beautiful colorful flowers, every color in the rainbow & they smell so good. We dried millions of flowers and put them in very large clean plastic bags so we can see how beautiful they are. Winter came so we covered every wall of every room with solid flowers to cover up the wall paint so all we could see is flowers. The bathroom walls & shower are covered in flowers. Each wall of each room has its own fragrance & its own color of flowers.

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I began dreaming on a fairly frequent basis a week or two before Christmas. These were comforting dreams of being with family. One at a time, I was with my brother, son, daughter, father and mother. There was always a little something going on but there wasn't any stress.

It was a pleasure being with my parents again but the dreams were usually about my two children. These dreams continued right through the events of 1/6 and the next several weeks.

Recently, I have had some distressing dreams. Not with family or anyone I know. Not quite conflict but kind of geared up for that. I have been a little surprised that the pandemic and the changes it has wrought along with this political turmoil were not manifesting themselves in my dream life. Until maybe now, that is. I suppose one might call them moments of temporary insanity, although I've never felt that I have much "control." Perhaps I will attempt a little "influence."

At various times in my life, I've finished the day reading newspaper comics. That's pleasant. I can start off the next day with the news and commentary - beyond those "funny papers." Yeah, that sounds about right.


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I very carefully packed my suite case with 500 donuts so they don't get damaged. I checked my suit case at the airport. When the airplane landed I drive the rental car to the lake. When I got out of the car the car looks like a very large Rice Crispy box with 4 tires. It is a very nice summer day in the Colorado mountains, blue sky with no clouds. I rolled up a very large snow ball when it got too big & heavy to roll I see it is a 200 lb 3 foot diameter green cabbage. At the top of the mountain 14,000. ft elevation I can see for ever in all directions radio says visibility is 100 miles. I road my bicycle along the flat smooth bike path next to the mountain stream all day stopping several times to walk knee deep in the water and listed to water flow over the rocks. Fish came over to see what I am doing. I cooked breakfast at the picnic table. There are wild mountain sage brush plants every where at Grand Canyon they smells so good. There are 100s of birds chirping it sounds very loud with the sound of the stream too. My white cat came and wanted to be petted when I liked away at the stream & mountains then looked back I was petting a mountain lion. Lion is purring loud and likes petting. I laid in the stream for a while before I continued to ride my bike towards the other mountain 100 miles away, soon I was riding across the desert at Joshua Tree National Forest CA. I stopped at Rogers Spring NV for a while and sat in the water and listened to the sound of the little 4 foot tall water fall. I road my bicycle through Titus Canyon CA the cliffs are so tall they block out the sun. I decided to stay all night at Canyonlands National Park, I wonder if the Mexican restaurant in Moab UT is open. I woke up clock says 4:14 am. I tried for an hour to go back to sleep but I can't stop thinking about that dream, so I got out of bed.
Last edited by Gary350 on Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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I was grocery shopping in a store and needed to stock up because the flood waters from a long row of clogged up toilets in the store were headed this way. A bunch of people standing over the toilets with plungers couldn't help. The room was filling up with water. I got home before a huge rush of water came from the pasture across the road. Thankfully I don't think any damage occurred in the crisis...

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I was afraid I'd dream of investments after a week spent researching and writing about the new golden visa in Spain, but fortunately, I managed to get something else, which turned out to be a "hunt" for my cat who was lost in a big city and always miraculously managed to get out of her carrying bag.

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I was driving along when I tried to stop at a red light brake peddle went almost all the way to the floor. I pushed the emergency brake then pushed the brake peddle again too got stopped. I am 2 miles from home, 5 miles from Super Walmart, 7 miles from Auto Zone, so I drove home it is closer. I raised the hood, got brake fluid from the garage then filled up the master cylinder, brakes are working good again. I WOKE UP, after breakfast I went outside to check brake fluid in my vehicles. Brake fluid is 3/8" low so I filled it up. Brakes work good. Emergency brake is working good but I crawl under the vehicle anyway and tighten the nut 2 turns to make the emergency brake a tiny bit tighter, 2 minute job.

Was this dream my subconscious telling me to check break fluid you have not checked it for more than a year? Ok was this a message from my guardian angel who is watching over me? Bible says, The Lord will talk to us in dreams. (Matthew 2:13)

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Last night I dreamt I was crawling on all fours like an animal through the woods. I dodged fences and old buildings until I reached a house that had hillbillies in it doing strange cooking.

If the Lord talks to me through dreams, He's certainly telling me strange things...especially if there's tornados in them.

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I’m not doing much gardening but this is a fun thread. I am interested in dreams and have done some study about analyzing dreams. I tend to favor Jungian dream analysis. My dreams are often symbolic. When understood this way, they don’t seem so weird. For example, I have recurring dreams about water and water symbolically represents the subconscious. After having studied dream symbology, I am able to better understand my dreams. My pet bird who passed away a few years ago sometimes visits me in my dreams. I love it when he visits me in my dreams.
Here is one dream that I had not too long ago:
I was at an antique store. The store keeper had a large old book on a table. He opened it to a page in the middle and there was a picture of my grandmother. It is the exact same picture that my mother gave to me. My grandmother is wearing a hat with a brown paper ornament on the side. The man points to the picture and says “She is going to visit you soon. She wears your caligraphy in her hat, She speaks only Japanese.”
I never actually met my grandmother. She passed away before I was born. I made a nice scrapbook for my brother and that same picture was in the scrapbook. I spent quite a bit of time on that scrapbook and even did some caligraphy. So I figured out that the brown paper ornament in the hat in the dream was actually a piece of the caligraphy from that scrapbook. The scrapbook pages are brown. However, I am baffled about the store keepers words “she speaks only Japanese.” I am thinking that perhaps my grandmother has reincarnated as a Japanese person. No actual visit from my grandmother yet so far.

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Wish someone could figure out why I dream so much about the same thee scenarios: shopping, fishing and tornados.
Last night's dream, however I saw a strange looking rainbow in the sky.

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You could try looking up the symbolic meanings online. That’s how I do it. It helps me alot. You don’t have to believe all of what you find. Go with what feels right, what makes the most sense to you personally. Tornadoes could sybolize upheaval or destruction. A rainbow could symbolize something positive. There are probably things going on in your life that correspond with your dreams. Sometimes toxins in certain foods eaten just before bedtime can trigger anxiety type dreams.

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This cold weather must be why I am dreaming about living in Michigan in grade school & living 60 miles N/W of Chicago in grade school. I was out side every day cold weather never bothered me. When fingers & toes got so numb I could not feel them I returned home to get warm. When warming up fingers hurt so bad they felt like I hit every finger with a hammer. Lake froze thick enough to walk on when ice cracked it sounded like an explosion that scared us nearly to death when the sound echoed back & forth under the ice. Snow drifts were so large we made tunnels and hollow them out inside to make a large room. Snow plow piled snow up in very large piles that were still there in July we climbed to the top to slide down. In high school we had no fear pulling 3 sleds behind a car, 30, 40, 50 mph. The faster we went the more exciting it got and the more fun it was. I remember once sled got out of control went down into a ditch then flew up the other side then 10 feet into the air over a barb wire fence then I land in a farmers field. We could have been killed or injured but having too much fun to care. We use to sled down a long road 1½ miles sled went so fast eyes watered so bad we were almost to blind to see and face got so cold it was very painful but we went down that hill many times anyway. I use to stand on the river ice next to the river rapids then I chop off a large sheet of ice, I road that big piece of ice down the river rapids when ice came to a sharp curve it was close enough to land for me to jump off then go do it again. I hiked through fields & forest in 2 ft of snow 4 or 5 hours I could barely move my legs & hands were so cold I could not move my fingers. Going to school snow blowing piled up on my eyes I had to keep wiping it away so I could see. In college I road my bicycle 5 miles to class every day my pant legs were frozen ice up above my knees, ice melted in class the water ran down into my shoes & made a big water puddle on the floor. Now I would hate it to have melting ice on my pants up above my knees & shoes full of ice water then have to ride my bike to 4 different classes soaking wet in freezing winter weather then ride 5 miles home & legs covered in frozen ice again. I guess we were tougher in those days.

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Last night I dreamt I was back in my old city, Melbourne, living in a flat with a rooftop veggie garden. My old friend R was there with me. ( She owned and ran up-market brothels in Melbourne). Without me ordering one an Uber taxi arrived, a yellow VW beetle. My friend immediately proceeded to dig up plants from the veggie garden and shovel them onto the waiting Uber VW.
I doubt even a Freudian psychiatrist could untangle this little scenario.

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Wow, you folks have the dreams going on!

I'm actually kind of jealous, as when I go to bed at night I usually fall asleep within a minute or two - and I don't remember having dreams...
I used to dream when I was much younger, but I don't remember one in at least the last twenty years...

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I wish I were lucky enough to fall asleep within a couple of minutes. It usually takes me up to an hour or more to doze off. I'm also a tosser and turner. Sometimes I wake up and think about the odd dream I just had but I have forgotten it by morning.
The latest one I can remember was another tornado one, and another shopping one. I was hunting for a small bowl of ice cream in the frozen section. I wish I could choose what to dream of at night, I'm tired of shopping dreams.

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:50 pm
I wish I were lucky enough to fall asleep within a couple of minutes. It usually takes me up to an hour or more to doze off. I'm also a tosser and turner. Sometimes I wake up and think about the odd dream I just had but I have forgotten it by morning.
The latest one I can remember was another tornado one, and another shopping one. I was hunting for a small bowl of ice cream in the frozen section. I wish I could choose what to dream of at night, I'm tired of shopping dreams.
It drives everyone nuts how fast I can go to sleep. I could be laying on concrete and have a wonderful snooze. It used to drive the little lady nuts when I would slide down in a chair with my feet on the floor and just my back still in the chair, while snoring away... Planking while asleep... LOL

But dreaming about shopping is a good way to save some bucks!

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:50 pm
I wish I were lucky enough to fall asleep within a couple of minutes. It usually takes me up to an hour or more to doze off. I'm also a tosser and turner. Sometimes I wake up and think about the odd dream I just had but I have forgotten it by morning.
The latest one I can remember was another tornado one, and another shopping one. I was hunting for a small bowl of ice cream in the frozen section. I wish I could choose what to dream of at night, I'm tired of shopping dreams.
I go to sleep every night in about 30 seconds. I took a class in college part of what we learned was sleep. The best way to sleep is go to bed at the same time every night then get out of bed same time every morning. If you get accustom to sleeping X number or hours every night it is much easier to go to sleep. If you become accustom to sleeping a certain number of hours then you get 1 hour less or 1 hour more it makes you feel like you did not sleep well. You can train your body to sleep just about any number of hours you want by slowly changing the number of hours you sleep by 10 minutes every 2 weeks until you slowly reach the number of hours you want to sleep. In college I learned to sleep 5 hours every night and feel good. I tired to learn to sleep 4 hours but had trouble with that. After college I could never sleep more than 5 hours for 30 years. If your not going to sleep quick your probably sleeping too many hours or doing something that keeps you awake like, caffeine, eating, or getting excited from a TV show. I don't sleep well with a full stomach so I don't eat for 6 hours before bed. If your sleeping 10 to 14 hours every night it is easy to change your sleep habits 1 hour a night, but if your only sleeping 6 hours it is not easy to change sleep habits 1 whole hour, 10 minute change is easier. When I was trying to learn to shorten my sleep habits from 6 hours to 5 hours I had to shorten my sleep time 5 minutes every 3 weeks until I got use to it. Don't go to bed until you feel sleepy and sleep by the clock if you can. If your having trouble going to sleep at a certain time then set your clock so you want up earlier. You may learn you need to sleep 1 or 2 or 3 hours less, to go to sleep quick and sleep good and feel better. You can't force yourself to sleep if your body is not ready to sleep. You can't decide to sleep 10 hours if your body only needs 7 hours. At my age I still go to sleep quick but pain wakes me up sometimes in a few hours so I get out of bed for 30 minutes when pain is gone then I go to sleep again.

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Last night I was dreaming that I was growing Thai Hot peppers.

Which is true.

I am growing Thai Hot peppers ;).


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I was living in a creepy old house that was haunted and I was selling pet fish and polished rocks for a living. I had two friends, a girl I'd never seen before and a middle aged man that is a movie star from my favorite hallmark movie series. My friends were inside my house and we heard a ghost. We found out that there was a secret passageway in the house. My movie star friend was then kidnapped by an old man that was haunting my house; he had him tied in a wooden chair in the secret passageway. A puppy came running down the stairs barking frantically to tell me that the movie star was in trouble. My girl friend and I rescued my him and I have no idea what became of the old man. He had been haunting my house because he used to own my house and he was too stubborn to go to the nursing home so was haunting my house to scare me away so he could get his house back.

I guess I watch too many mysteries, but I think that wouldve made an interesting episode. 😂 (well except for the part where I was bending down under a vehicle picking up odd looking rocks so I could polish them and sell them 😆)

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Wife & I both had our 2nd covid virus shot yesterday = Monday 3:45 pm. We went to bed as usually feeling good but we both had a very restless night. I dreamed bits & pieces of 100s of dreams, I rolled & tossed all night, woke up looked at clock, rolled over & went back to sleep every 20 to 30 minutes all night. 5am I ached all over so I got out of bed. I have no clue what I dreamed it was like watching TV and someone kept changing the channel every 15 seconds. That is the craziest bunch of dreams I ever had.

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Last nights dream. Wife & I rented a 1 bedroom cabin on the lake in the mountains. Front porch with 2 chairs faces the lake & bike path, it looks like it is 5 miles across the lake. Bicycle paths are every where all the way around the lake and through the mountains, bike path is 100% flat very easy riding for my wife with no hills. Perfect weather every day, no tornados, no floods, no dangerous storms, no hot or cold weather, no alligator, no sharks, no 20 foot snakes. We made lots of friends we talked to everyone that lives there. Bike path goes past all the, streams, rivers, water falls, lakes, it is very nice & lots of fun. We kayak all the lakes and slow moving streams. Perfect weather every day, nice blue sky with few clouds we can set under a water fall for hours. Cabin has a kitchen but we eat every meal at the cafeteria buffet, breakfast, lunch, dinner, no need to buy groceries or cook food and lots of friendly fun people to socialize with. We stayed all summer weather is so perfect so we stayed longer and, fall, winter, spring, weather never came, it is perfect summer weather year round. We got so spoiled we sold our TN house and lived in the cabin on the lake in the mountains.

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Best dream ever!! Must be nice to dream of paradise, I don't normally have great dreams like that. Mine are either really, really weird, or creepy.

Here's another question for sleepers: is it better to sleep in silence, or, listen to a white noise, TV or music. I cannot sleep to silence. I absolutely MUST have a white noise running. And on top of that, sometimes I listen to music. But normally I have to listen to the CD multiple times before I'm able to sleep to it. Only once did I fall asleep to a CD after playing it the second time in the night. Sometimes listening to music at night helps keep my mind off something I'm upset over.

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Yeah, it’s nice to remember pleasant dream like that.

I haven’t had a memorable/retained dream in a while — good or bad. I need silence and dark to sleep really. I’m sure my idea of darkness isn’t pitch black — I live in light-polluted suburb and mist modern gizmos emit some kind of LED light. And there are background noises I’m sure I’m not consciously aware of.

I can be a light sleeper and unrecognized sounds generally wake me up. I’ve mentioned my issues with music elsewhere... listening to music would probably be overstimulating.

I DID use to sing a set medley of lullabies for my children when they were little, and they would fall asleep mostly before the full set. I ALSO used to fall asleep while singing and was sometimes AWAKENED by my disgruntled older daughter who was NOT ready to go to sleep :lol:

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The dream before waking this morning was just me walking. There didn't seem to be a destination, walking through public buildings. The only time I was outdoors was on a little pedestrian bridge over a stream and between buildings.

There was a group of 4 or 5 people standing in the middle of the bridge and a hand rail only on that side. A young woman was about 3' from the group and the bridge deck was only about 2' behind her for me to pass by. No hand rail. I wasn't about to walk behind her, for sure not with my cane!

I said "excuse me." She either ignored me or didn't hear me. I said "excuse me," louder. She kinda jumped and moved over about a foot. I squeezed by, noticing that she had a problem with one eye. I felt a little guilty for being impatient but then she tried to hand me a piece of paper with a list of for sale books. I decided quickly that there was little excuse for blocking the bridge by the group or her! I impatiently told her "No!"

Going through a door, I was in a parking garage. Continued across the concrete and through another door, I was in a church. The pews seemed full. I just continued up the aisle, the pastor was seated and I went through the door beside the dias. Long, twisting hallway and I arrived in a library.

It felt so good to be back in a library! I had been thinking that yesterday, during a waking hour


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Last night I had another crummy shopping dream. I was looking at these itty bitty cactus in itty bitty pots. It was kinda cute, but I'm tired of shopping dreams.

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Lasts nights dreaming delima I was brushing my hair and noticed a perforation halfway down my hair. I tugged at it and the bottom part of my hair detached from the rest of my hair. I wadded up the hairball and threw it in the trash.

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Last night I dreamed, I went to the garden to check tomatoes and they were all big as watermelons but they all had blossom end rot. I gave plants calcium then we had a garden full of 100s of very nice ripe red 35 lb tomatoes. I wish I had a picture of that. LMFAO

It has been a very long time sense I woke up and remembered a dream.

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I wish there were a pill I could take to control my dreams. I'm SICK of shopping dreams!! And my recent shopping ones have me realizing that I'm inside a store without a mask.

But I've had a couple of snake ones lately. Last night a rat snake got into my house but I finally managed to get it out the front door.

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My worst and best (or most insightful) dreams:

- Yelling and fighting with my wife; waking up feeling awful about it.
- Short one. I'm standing on the foredeck of a submarine starting to dive. My bootlace is caught in the locked hatch. That woke me up in a hurry.
- A message from my subconscious: I'm in bed, feeling ill. The doctor arrives. He's a black man (I'm not). he looks a lot like like me and I know that somehow he really is me. He says to the white me, on the bed "There's nothing wrong with you; get up!"

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Last night I dreamed that the helpfulgardener forum was suddenly really busy and I had to wait in line to log on. The line was like a grocery store check out line.

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I dreamed I woke up and when I looked out at the garden there were several big dump truck piles of cantaloups & watermelons where the melons are planted. Wow where did all these melons come from. What am I going to do with all of these. Then I looked at the cucumber row WOW several BIG dump truck piles of cucumbers. OH NO there are too many cucumbers how will I every get rid of them before they go bad. Then I looked at the tomatoes several dump truck piles of tomatoes, they will all go bad before I can give them away. Then I looked at the peppers, the whole yard is BIG piles of, sweet bell pepper, yellow banana pepper, orange & yellow & red Habanero peppers, Poblano peppers, Tabasco pepper, Jalapeno peppers, Carman peppers, WHAT am I going to do with all those. Then I woke up it was about 2 am so I went back to sleep and dreamed it again. I dreamed this over & over about 5 times before I finally woke up and got out of bed. Dreaming that kept me worried all night there will be big piles of rotting vegetables before I can give them away.

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