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2021 What's the Weather Like Where You Are?

I thought I would start a new thread for 2021

It is overcast but a storm system is passing to the north. North Shore swells are expected to bring Big Surf in the 30-50 ft range (Hawaiian measurement). The City is already preparing by telling people to stay away from the North Shore shoreline and the State is preparing just in case the surf impacts the highway. This is rideable surf, but the competitions have been cancelled because of Covid. The front is also expected to bring rain from Sunday-Wednesday. This is normal for this time of year.

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Wednesday, a nearby airport had wind gusts above 70mph! It wasn't quite as windy here but I discovered that about a mile away, a spruce tree had fallen on a pickup truck. Nice, newer model - totalled. In 2015, a windstorm took out 3 spruce and a black locust tree within about 300 yards from my house.

Even though they are natives the spruce don't live normally within dozens of miles from here. Most of what remains of the natural forest are Ponderosa pines. They were falling in all that wind, also.

It was bright and sunny for a couple of days after tthe windstorm, with calm air :). This morning, fog that is supposed to give way to clouds - it didn't freeze but the afternoon high won't hit 40°f, we are told. Ho hum ... maybe there will be some snow tomorrow morning.

;) Steve

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The weather system that brought the Big Surf moved down the line from Sunday and now it is moving backward. It stalled around Maui causing flooding on Maui and Molokai. Big Island could use the rain, they have had a very long drought. On Oahu, a house dramatically had its roof blown off in 50 mph winds. Thankfully, the house was not occupied. It was unusual since 30-50 mph winds should not have been strong enough to do that.

It did rain almost continually and sometimes heavy and the palms lost some leaves and knocked over some plants. My bathroom is covered in a thin layer of dust/mud from what comes through the windows. My rain barrels were already full, so now they are overflowing. That is the thing about rain barrels, you have lots of water when you don't need it. It is still occasionally raining between the sunshine. Some of the seeds I planted earlier are sprouting now. The constant rain has always been a good seed accelerator for me. The temperature is staying in the low 70's, so I am spending a lot of time with my blanket throw.

It also accelerates the weeds. I have wild tomatoes growing in my front yard and although they look nice, they had to go. I have a lot of weeds that have to go. I can't weed whack until the ground is dry enough or my electric weed whacker will burn out.

It will clear for a few days but there is another system that will come through again in a few days. You guys have snow, I get rain and wind.

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It is pouring rain right now. Locally heavy showers. My lanai is starting to flood. I guess I won't have to water the yard today.

Snow fell on Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa,

Akaka Falls on the Big Island.

Three driveways became a stream from hard rain that fell in a period of about 2 hours. Manhole covers were spewing fountains of stuff and as usual the raw sewage ended up in the Ala Wai. People who were on the roads at that time got caught in traffic. We really don't know how to drive in the rain.

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We had grocery delivery yesterday afternoon when it was a little cold ...25°F — by the time the girls came in, the basin of soapy water had frozen 🥶. We are still needing to be careful here.

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Apple, Maybe put a sanitizer pump outside, to do a quick rubdown, then wash quickly after coming in, at the closest sink? The alcohol in the sanitizer should prevent freezing, even at our colder temps.

It's not looking good for us, if you don't like snow, like me! Every time I've seen a forecast the expected snowfall is higher! 1-3", 3-6", 4-8", 6-9", and last one, at noon, 8-12". Not my idea of fun! :(

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It is 63 degrees now. It should get up into the mid 70's today. For some of you this is warm, but I am freezing (relatively). At least I don't have to worry about frozen buckets or snow. A few passing showers. More rain and colder temperatures expected on Wednesday.

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It was 57 degrees early this morning and it is noon and it is still only 66 degrees. It is cloudy with passing showers (cold rain).

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Today was nice and warm but breezey. Went outside and chopped up Swiss chard and fertilized and planted onions. Ripped up the old fabric flooring for my greenhouse so I can replace it. Old stuff was moldy and disgusting.

Today was going to be the only nice day for a long time. It's gonna be nasty and cold the next two weeks.

Didn't the groundhog see his shadow? Bad groundhog, I don't want 6 more weeks of winter!!

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Early tomorrow morning there will be bad storms and rain pretty much all day and into the night. Afterwards temperature plummets and just gets downright nasty and cold with a chance of more snow. This has been an unpleasant winter.

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The weather has been extreme. The east coast is being hit with so much rain and snow. However, on the other side of the country, this has been a relatively dry and warm winter. It means more drought with a warmer and drier summer.

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Weather app lied to me again. Woke up this morning expecting to hear thunderstorms but when I checked my radar, there was nothing nearby me on the radar. However, there's still this afternoon or evening or night...

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I actually look at radar images as well as the weather discussion. My friend was a weatherman for the army. He would always give us lessons on how to read clouds. A working barometer never lies. The problem with regional forecasts is that they are regional. More than once, I have been in the pocket where I either get all the rain or none of it.

I have a German Weather haus (actually, I think I am on my third one). I have had one for over thirty years and if the man comes out with the umbrella then it is going to rain. If the man and the girl are standing in the door then it could go either way. It is my best and most reliable weather forecaster.

Hope everyone in the way of the winter storms stay safe.

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Nice and sunny at least for a few days. It is 59 degrees now. Too cold for me.

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The big, bad freeze of Texas reaches me by Sunday. Tomorrow I will be doing a bunch of cooking so all I'll have to do for meals is heat stuff up in the microwave (since I can't use the oven when the powers off). It's going to be so downright freezing that I'm going to bring in what few six packs of planted seed I have in the greenhouse indoors.
Uri is going to wreak havoc on my garden, so I already picked my lettuce, and I'm going to either use, or give away what cabbage I can and cover everything else with layers and layers of anything I can find.
In all my life I think this has been the worst winter I've experienced. This is too unusual for Texas.

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29°F roads are covered with ice it has been below freezing for 3 days. I-24 about 1/2 mile south of I-840 right next to our house is closed there is a big car pile up on the interstate highway. High temperature for next week about 33° and low 15°. Last 2 weeks of Feb is usually the coldest part of winter. 6 more weeks I can start planting the garden.
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Current temperature is 32. Temperatures in the single digits expected tomorrow and Tuesday morning. It hasn't snowed yet but has sleeted. It will snow tomorrow and again Wednesday. This will be an awful week.

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It is raining ice, yard looks like snow but it is small ice balls. It has warmed up to 30° but suppose to be 15° tonight.

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This has been a bad year around here for snow - worst in 5 years, but at least it has been spread out, not all at once, like a few times here, where we got 24" and more! Lately, it's been almost as bad around here, and even worse elsewhere, with that ice everywhere! That so called "wintry mix", that ices over everything. It's getting close to 50° tonight, into tomorrow, so I'll be lucky, as it will be rain here - and a lot of it, looking at the radar! More days with that wintry mix, later in the forecast, but things change a lot, esp. at this time of year.

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FWIW — Last couple of times we had bad snow around here, the state COVID stats dropped enough to notice. Part of it was testing sites were closed and less people were inclined to go get tested in any case, so number of tested positive-cases dipped, but subsequent hospitalization stats also seemed to indicate a dip. So maybe the snow had kept people from going OUT and cross-congregating among different family pods/bubbles.

DRAMATIC AERIAL VIDEO: Snow covers Dallas as winter storm batters Texas
Published on Feb 15, 2021

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12°F warning up to 17° by 1 pm.

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Last night it dropped to 8 degrees. Right now it's 35 and sunny. Power and water has remained on in my area so far. Supposed to get freezing rain again tomorrow. A friend of mine in Texas more to the west told me she has no power and water is contaminated. This usually cold weather is freaking people out!! Not to mention hurting nature. My garden doesn't look like its gonna pull through and the birds are suffering. A Phoebe was flopping around in the backyard like it couldn't fly. Wings must have been frozen. But Wood Thrush is having fun throwing leaves around looking for hibernating insects.

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Got to 51° at my house today, and almost all of that snow has melted - the 1"+ of rain last night helped too! I actually went out to my shed, to get my first trays and seedling pots out. Ice coming now, according to the forecast, that same stuff wreaking havoc in the Midwest, and further south, though it's not supposed to be as bad.

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....the weather is completely bonkers — HERE, it got up close to 50°F yesterday ... index of 45°F or so due to ALL the snow that was on the ground. The warmth melted a lot of it — patches of ground actually showing here and there ... my pond had a maybe 2 ft diameter hole that had widened from the 6-8” hole over the aerator bubbles that my daughter had poked in earlier — a couple of snow storms ago — to help the pond breathe. This morning, it’s currently 24°F and practically the ENTIRE hole has frozen over ... a couple of inch diameter hole is all.

...more snow starting tonight and all day tomorrow....

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18°F here, ice & snow. TV claims it will warm up to 28° today. I threw out a bag of broken corn taco shells for the birds. 100s of birds come. I threw out several hands full of black sunflower seeds in all the bird feeders, on both patio tables, and on frozen sidewalks. 100s of birds come some birds I have never seen here before. Crazy camera will not take photos through glass windows, auto focus takes pictures of the glass. Birds are hungry I threw out a bag of corn chips they were gone quick big birds get the big pieces & little birds stay a while cleaning up the smaller pieces.

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We got 6 inches of snow last night. I love snow we have not had much in several years. It is nice to see snow come and also nice to see it be gone in a few days. 31°F and snow is packing good. Never let yourself get too old to act silly & have FUN, wife & I are going to build a snow man. LOL

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I much rather look at snow than be in it. Thanks for the pics.
It is 67 degrees and thickly overcast.

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Have fun Gary. Be careful on icy steps.

We have about that much snow. It was sunny yesterday and the thermometer made it above freezing for the first time in 9 or 10 days. There was some melting in sunny spots. Because of sublimation (quite a word ;)), a little has been disappearing right along. This is the first morning in a while that there has been enough moisture in the air for frost to be on everything outdoors. It has been very dry despite the snow but without terribly cold temperatures, this time. It's lucky that we are on the west side of the Rockies.

The temperatures are now only 6° to 8° F below normal. There's more snow on the way for tonight - probably another couple of inches. Winter weather but nothing extreme.


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Fluctuating above and below freezing here - snowed a little over 2" of wet snow, changing over to sleet the rest of the time. Disgusting out there, but I consider myself lucky, compared to the weather in many areas!

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Lost water and electricity yesterday. Water is back on, but still no power. Texas has declared state of emergency. Mail is not running. Everything is coated in ice. It is very cold inside my house, thermostat says 59. Is 41 outside. My generator is puny and I cannot run but only a couple of heaters on it. I'm unable to cook with anything except use the microwave. Right now I'm dressed in 2 layers of clothing. My nose and hands are freezing. I'm trying to keep my seedlings alive but I have a feeling that by the time I get my greenhouse up and running again, they'll get too lanky and die from not being outside.
I heard through the grapevine that my power may be off for three weeks. IDK if I believe it'll be off that long, but if it does, I may have to pack up and move to a hotel unless they're already packed with people who are without power and water. If this miserable winter storm isn't a test of patience IDK what it is.

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I've seen the pictures of the road pileups and the eerie scene of a car halfway buried in snow in a barren landscape. I hope you don't have to go outside in that mess very much.

The snow in the East is causing some disruption here. Thousands of doses of the vaccine failed to arrive because of transport delays from the snow. Some vaccine clinics have been rescheduled.

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:06 pm
Lost water and electricity yesterday. Water is back on, but still no power. Texas has declared state of emergency. Mail is not running. Everything is coated in ice. It is very cold inside my house, thermostat says 59. Is 41 outside. My generator is puny and I cannot run but only a couple of heaters on it. I'm unable to cook with anything except use the microwave. Right now I'm dressed in 2 layers of clothing. My nose and hands are freezing. I'm trying to keep my seedlings alive but I have a feeling that by the time I get my greenhouse up and running again, they'll get too lanky and die from not being outside.
I heard through the grapevine that my power may be off for three weeks. IDK if I believe it'll be off that long, but if it does, I may have to pack up and move to a hotel unless they're already packed with people who are without power and water. If this miserable winter storm isn't a test of patience IDK what it is.
I saw on TV that TX is having a major power outage for 95% of the State. I know 5 people from high school that now live in Huston TX none of them have power. They all said, Huston has no power. Dave in Huston has a generator. I assume people that still have a cell phone that has not died yet can get online with their phone & maybe recharge in their car. We have relatives 75 miles north of us that were complaining food will spoil because power is off. I told them, go buy a generator but tree fell across driveway they can't get out. Wife told them, it is colder outside than inside your refrigerator put your food inside your car. Their reply was, we never thought of that. According to TV News lots of power outage in TN. It is snowing here again TV said another storm moving through tonight dumping more snow. There is a massive amount of hungry birds here we keep throwing out, bread, crackers, bird seed, chips, cereal, Quaker oats, egg noodles, spaghetti, larger birds eat the noodles, smaller birds eat softer things like, crumbs, oat meal, crackers. We were going to drive to the store right up the street but we can see flashing lights so grandson walked to the store. He said, store is almost totally sold out worse than it was for covid-19. Cars are wrecked every where police have all the roads blocked. My son tried to get to work this morning and couldn't. TV News said, police are overwhelmed with 100s of wrecks everywhere, stay home, stay off the streets. I have doctor apt 8 am tomorrow morning I need to cancel.
Last edited by Gary350 on Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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“ Right now I'm dressed in 2 layers of clothing. My nose and hands are freezing. “

— if you are cold wear more layers. Wear socks — 2 layers if necessary. Wear a hat and neck gater — or one of your T-shirts scrunched up around the neck works, too.

This is all terrible. My nephew lives in Austin and they are under boil water decree.

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Texas winter storm: Some use Ford F-150 hybrid trucks to power homes | CNBC
The truck’s PowerBoost onboard generator “gives you the ability to use your truck like a mobile generator,” according to Ford.

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I put a mask on to keep my nose warm and tied a scarf over my head to keep my head warm. I managed. Slept in 2 layers of clothes and 2 pairs of socks. Power still isn't on. No fun sitting on a cold toilet seat and washing my hands in freezing cold water.

I have heard stories about how much the power would go off for my grandmother and she would put her frozen/cold food in an ice chest and put it out in her truck in her garage.

I've been making salads lately since you don't have to cook salad. Birds outside are hungry as well but I'm not going to waste what food I have on them. Besides, my neighbor has a feeder.

Sun is FINALLY shining and the ice is slowly melting. Temperature is 40. Ice is glistening like diamonds out there, it's very beautiful.

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TomatoNut95 wrote:
Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:50 am
I put a mask on to keep my nose warm and tied a scarf over my head to keep my head warm. I managed. Slept in 2 layers of clothes and 2 pairs of socks. Power still isn't on. No fun sitting on a cold toilet seat and washing my hands in freezing cold water.

I have heard stories about how much the power would go off for my grandmother and she would put her frozen/cold food in an ice chest and put it out in her truck in her garage.
We use 14 quilts & blankets to camp in 25°F weather with no heat, I have to sleep with a sock hat to keep my head warm. I alternate blanket layers, quilt, cotton, wool, comforter, cotton, wool, quilt. Make sure wool does not touch your skin it will itch you all night and keep you awake. We stay warm as toast with 7 blankets on bottom & 7 blanket layers on top. Mattress is designed to be soft not warm so you need blankets on the mattress.

It was 14°F this morning & has warmed up to 26° so far. Our street is closed near I-24 it is slightly up hill. There was a 100 car pile up at the over pass at I-24 yesterday, people that could not get up the slope were stuck and people the got over the slope could not stop going down hill to the traffic light. 3 streets all go down hill to the traffic light the entire enter section became a pile of cars that could not stop.

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It was 14°F this morning. 12:20 pm by the clock it is 34°. Snow plow came down our street 2 hours ago. No mail delivery all week. TV News said, if you want mail shovel snow away or mail will not be delivered. Garbage truck did not come today text message says they will be several days late. TV shows some grocery stores trying to restock food with a mad house of customers at the stores that have food. TV shows other grocery shelves completely empty sold completely out of 90% of their stock. I tried to shovel snow away from fence gate so we can get gate open there is 2" of very slippery ice under the snow so I put the snow back on the ice. We are out of several food item and considering maybe driving to Super Kroger. It is suppose to warm up to 36° by 3 pm maybe black asphalt roads will warm up enough from sun to make roads easier to drive on. Today will be the 1st day above freezing in a week. I am ready for this ice & cold to be gone. TV says, 62° Tues, Wed, Thurs. I don't worry about driving on the roads, I worry about other people smashing into us.

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I'm glad to be living where it only rains and my patio might flood on a bad day. There was some hail on Feb 6 in Pahoa in East Hawaii Island. It was pea sized and only lasted for a short while. It is 73 degrees right now with a light drizzle which I hope will be just passing. The skies are overcast. The rain is still cold rain.

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It got to 53° here today, and didn't even get down to freezing last night, so a lot more snow melted here. I finally went to HD, because I needed a new flusher handle for my upstairs toilet, which snapped a few days ago. I didn't need that badly enough to go out in all that ice, so I waited until most of it melted! The 7 day forecast now has 4 days in the 50s, and 3 days in the 40s, just one in the low 40s, which is average for this time. So things are improving.

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