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2020 What's the weather like where you are?

Cold, cloudy, rainy, sloppy, 53 degrees and overall depressing today. Total hot chocolate weather. Forecast this week: daytime temperatures in the high 50's and low 60's with nighttime temps in the 30's and 40's.

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what you have there is perfect spinach, lettuce, arugula, etc. salad greens, onions, and broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower growing weather....

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Yep! Cabbage(both edible and ornamental) and carrots are loving this! My lettuce, however, seems to be pretty played out. I don't plan on growing any from seed- but if I find some more transplants I'll get some more.

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Finally no rain today, sunny, windy & 45 degrees. Weather man said we had 64.34 inches of rain year of 2019 but no rain the months of July, Aug & Sept. More rain in the forecast for the next 4 days. On a positive note, I have not seen a mosquito in months.

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Today reached a high of 73, but blistery. Went to the cemetery this afternoon to visit my great-grand parents grave.

Highs in the 60's and 70's next week with lows in the 30's, 40's and a couple of 50's. Rain expected Thursday.

@Gary, you're lucky on those mosquitoes. Saw one of those nasty little devils today.

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Right now it is about 72 degrees with a low of 68. It has been raining off and on for a couple of days and more of the same expected for the next three days at least. Winds are anywhere from 8 to 30 mph. Palms are losing some fronds and some trees on the road have lost some branches. There was a rock fall that took out the fence that usually contains the boulders. A half dozen bowling ball sized boulders were on the roadway overnight. It is a road cut in basalt rock and it is a steep cut so it happens when there is enough rain. The whole hillside is periodically redone. The loose rocks are pried off and new fencing is placed. It looks like it might be time to do it again. It would be better if the hillside was not as steep, but I guess it would cost too much to grade it back.

The weeds are growing fast in this weather. I will have to mow again when it stops long enough to dry out. As long as it rains the fungal and bacterial diseases will not show up, but I will have to fungicide as soon as it stops.

The ants are becoming more of a nuisance. They have come in the house because their homes outside are flooded. My blinds are rattling. I may lose a few more of them. The rain barrels ar overflowing.

I still have to water some plants because they are under the eaves and do dry out. I have not seen the back yard for a few days now. I have seen the mejiro in the honeysuckle in the morning and the doves still roost on my air conditioner when it is not too windy. Even the bees have been out foraging when the winds are mild and the sun comes out for a few hours. Most of the smaller bugs like flies and mosquitos are usually not a problem while it is raining. Mosaquitos will be a problem 3 days after the rain stops. I have been going out when it is clear for a while to empty water that is collecting on tarps and I turned the saucers I found upside down so they won't pool water. When it rains heavy for even a short time, the lanai floods, but recedes as soon as the rain lets up and the water can drain away. It is a problem because the yard is higher than the lanai and I don't have rain gutters so the rain and the roof runoff is too much for it to drain away fast enough in the drainage trench.

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We have been having 50’s/30’s temps for a while now and I was starting to think maybe I should pull those overwintering fig containers in Garage Siberia (just INSIDE the garage door) to OUTSIDE the garage door ... then yesterday it snowed — enough to hide the front lawn — and today, just as DH and DD were about to leave for her piano lesson, our phones beeped with shrill “SNOW SQUALL” warning... and sure ‘nuff, pellets started pattering against the windows.

Now it’s blustery and sunny as the sun is getting ready to set. Old Man Winter can’t seem to make up his mind! :?

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Extremely severe weather is predicted for my area for Friday. Straight-line winds, tornadoes and all that good stuff. So if you don't hear from me over the weekend, or if you see me fly past your house, you'll know what happened to me. :shock:

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38 degrees, clear sky, full moon, lots of starts. Setting outside watching the moon & stars enjoying this good camping weather.

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It is 68 degrees. The daytime temperatures have been around 72-78. It has been raining overnight and sometimes during the day for the last 4 days. There is a high wind warning for the last three days. Strong trades in the 6-21 mph range with gusts up to 30 mph. It is enough to break branches and cause palms to lose leaves and a few minor rock and landslides. There has not been any major flooding. More of the same is predicted for the next three to five days. Right now, the sun is out and there are patches of blue in the south and western skies. The east is still solid gray. There is some fog in the ravines in the early morning and evenings. The road is wet and sloppy, but o.k. otherwise.

The power has gone out 5 times in the last week. If I did not have a lap top, this computer would be fried again.

I am wrapped up in my blanket throw and eating oatmeal for breakfast. I really don't like oatmeal, but it is warm and filling. I am also thinking about putting on some socks. Winter clothes here is to layer a couple of shirts, long sleeves, jackets or a sweater and an umbrella or raincoat. I can't use umbrellas in high winds, so a garbage bag makes a good substitute for a rain coat and it is warm. Socks or slippers are optional. I have tile, vinyl, and laminate floors, so they stay cool in summer, but are downright cold at these temperatures. The wind and some mud is still able to come in through the jalousie windows. Windows are designed to maximize air circulation but is not good at keeping anything out or in.

I went outside during a lull in the wind and rain yesterday. More of the light pots were scattered in the yard and a couple of plants were blown off the bench. The plants that are under the eaves, entryway and lanai still need to be watered. They are not hit by the rain since the rain is not really blowing sideways and the winds are drying out the plants faster.

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Today’s forecast is 55°F high/49°F low — weird enough for this time of the winter ... but tomorrow’s 66°F high/61°F low?

— then slowly going back down to NORMAL levels and SNOW forecast for next Sat and Sun, with Sunday’s forecast low going down to 23°F (which translates to more like 20~21°F in my garden) :shock:

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Well, tonight's the night. (Saturday morning, to.) If nobody hears from me over the weekend, I may have been sucked up.

Not too sure how severe my area will get it, 'cause one source said 80mph winds and another said 20-30mph. Either way, I moved potted plants, light and medium weight stuff indoors and scooted my pool of carrots on the other side of my storage building where hopefully it won't get hit by too much wind and flip over. Closet is cleaned out; all ready for me to run and hide in. Put the batteries in my lantern, and pulled out a few glowsticks. (why bad storms always seem to come in the night I don't know) Gonna keep my phone charged and on me in case I get trapped in the closet by rubble.

Current temperature is 70. After this storm, temperatures will plummet into the 30's. Sunday will be cold, then temperatures will be warm again until Thursday which will be cold. Then warm BACK up. Stupid Texas weather.

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Stay safe @tomatonut95 and everyone else in the path of this storm!

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Laid in bed with my phone and glowstick ready. Lightening started sometime after 11:00 and got horribly worse. By 11:45 my phone buzzed with a tornado warning. :shock: I stayed in alert mode listening for hail, and watched out the window. By 12:30 everything let loose. I just stayed in bed with a pillow over my head to block out the bright, almost constant lightening flashes. By a miracle the power stayed on through it all, not even a flicker. The worst part of the storm seemed to have fizzled out by 1:00 am. I eventually got some sleep and I dreamed I was carrying a bouquet of balloons down the road and was attacked by a black cat. Anxiety must cause crazy dreams.... :lol:

By morning I was texting everybody to find out how they were. The town nearby got some damage- a house was hit by trees and a barn roof was blown off. I checked out my garden and thankfully everything was still in one piece. Current temperature is a freezing 44. Still cloudy and windy out there. It's going to very cold tonight, I'll have to try and figure out how to cover up the cabbage. More rain is expected next week. :(

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Very windy and rainy here. I thought that I saw TomatoNut fly by. Was that you TomatoNut? The power went out just as I turned on my coffee pot. I was really looking forward to some coffee, so it was hard to take, but I got through it! The power came back on already, was out for only about 10 minutes. There are other outages in the area. I have my candles ready in case I have another outage. Seems mild compared to what TomatoNut has been going through. My washer is broken so I need to go to the laundromat today. Not looking forward to that. But I can get through anything as long as I have my coffee.
The weather predictions are for snow and cold temps tonight and tomorrow and for the entire week. Not looking forward to that.

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Lol, no that must not have been me that flew by. :lol: My power stayed on through that mess, but I lost hours of sleep. I stayed in alert mode listening for trains or hail when my phone sent me a tornado warning. Had to lay in bed with a pillow over my face to block out the extremely bright lightening flashes. :o Worst part of the storm seemed to lessen by 12:30 am.

I later found out the tornado that had touched down went another direction than they had predicted it, so it didn't even come near my area.

Current temp is a freezing 42. Low last night was 37. Had the cabbage covered up just in case temp went down into the 20's. Cabbage was fine this morning, but there is nothing that puts me in a bad mood than a freezing cold morning. :x I predict nice warm chicken noodle soup for lunch! :)

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It's snowy & cold: forecast to snow and stay below freezing for most of the week. This is on the coast where we're not used to it. In the north central interior where we used to live we'd have been prepared for it but today we spent what seemed like ages de-icing the car locks and prying the doors open. I got the car key so hot on the stove that, holding it with pliers, it twisted like putty instead of working the lock. We no longer have plug-in car heaters but we found an old-style 40W bulb and that's hanging in the car now. Don't know if the modern high efficiency bulbs give off enough heat to make a difference. Old & cautious now, we won't be keeping appointments in town. Cabin fever looms!

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Rain, rain and more rain. :x Nice and warm this week but too much rain and I cannot fertilize my cabbage. Temperatures will sadly drop next week: 40's and 50's for the highs, 20's and 30's at night. :evil: I was hoping to get the greenhouse plastic on this weekend. Now I'll have to drag out the foam insulation boards to. Which reminds me....I better make sure last years heater is in perfect running order. If not, I'll have to put off putting the pepper seedlings outside until I get another heater.

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Temperature is plunging down from 50’s down to 20’s, and gusty winds have been whistling, roaring, blowing all day — up to 35 mph, currently around 25 mph. They are stealing the warm swaddle from the house — it’s going to be cold tonight!

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It is still cool at 75 degrees. The sun sorta came out back lighting the clouds. It still is overcast. I found a few more snails and slugs and the Princess Masako was down again, so I had to cut it up and put the middle and top in separate containers under the citrus tree. It did sprinkle a bit in the morning but not too bad. I was going to the garden, but decided to go to the bank and Costco instead (in the rain of course). I did get a few garden chores done. The ground is still saturated and puddles with even a little bit more water. I did have to water the cacti on the entry, the orchids on the lanai, and the plants under the eaves. The wind has gone down to 3-6 mph so that is a lot better now. I emptied water that had collected in pots. Scattered showers are expected for the next few days and the wind is going to gradually pick up again to 20 mph over the next 3 daysl.

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Keep warm @applestar! That weather sounds absolutely disgusting!!

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Expecting low tonight of 16°F with windchill of 11°F which in fairness is still somewhat warmer than what might normally be expected in January. Spring sure seems a long ways away....

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Tonight is supposed to be the coldest. Nights have been in the 30's. Threw a small tarp over the greenhouse as an extra layer of protection. Storms expected for either Wednesday or Thursday. Weather app showed 100% for both days, so I'm wondering if it's coming in Wednesday night.

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It is 77 degrees now. The afternoon clouds are building and the winds are light so there may be a few sprinkles later. Usually there is almost always some rain everyday at this time of the year. I got up late and went to the garden. The snails have all gone into hiding for the day so I did not see them.

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Today the high was a nice 68. The warmest of the week. Since the rest of the week is supposed to be cold and cloudy, I went outside and killed myself doing everything I could.

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RAIN. Monday 2.3". Tuesday 2.5". Wed 3". Wed night 3.7". Thursday roads are flooded schools are closed, Friday we have snow.

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Last night when I checked for today’s weather, first I noticed the temperature — high of 60°F going down to 20’s at night ... another weird warm day, but OK, I’m finally starting to feel better and I really should go outside and see what’s going on under the securely covered poly tunnels.

...then noticed the wind forecast — teens with gusts of 20’s+ ... oh, of course, with the rapid temp drop like that, wind is inevitable and it will be too uncomfortable to garden especially if it’s going to rain, too — but it looks like only rain will be a couple of hours in the morning, so I might have a chance?

~~~ then I ended up futzing around with a new tweak to the new mini model of a Airlift reverse bell siphon pump for an external filter for the Winter Paradise shelves irrigation reservoirs and was up until 5AM — just woke up at 10:30AM, and ... outside?

...nope, there’s a huge storm system and it just started beating down the house sideways. :roll:

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Cold. Last night the low was 31 and there was a light frost this morning. Thankfully I had the cabbage covered up good, but still looks like it got frostbitten a bit. Right now it has warmed up to 60.

Rain predicted for everyday next week beginning Sunday evening or night.

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WOW, Sun is coming up today it looks so nice. All this rain & gray over cast sky we have not seen the Sun in a while. Forecast today, sunny and nice all day, 21 deg F now warming up to 35. Wind chill 9 deg.

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I feel lucky, now, after some of the lows I've seen, and not even in the most northern areas in the country! It's only 33° here, and tonight is supposed to be our lowest temp of the winter: 15°, and this is after 60° yesterday. I had my greens bed uncovered for a couple of weeks, since it was so warm, but that's covered again, and I covered one of my rosemary plants, though this variety survived 7° last season. 15° could have killed the old variety.

Sunday it's supposed to be back up to 50°, then 56° and 60°! All after the coldest night tonight. As I keep saying, crazy weather!

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17 degrees F & sunny.

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The last two days were below average, and I just saw on the weather that the Thursday and Friday of last week and this week were the only days here in February that were below average! Up in the 50s again for 5 days, maybe to 60 on Monday. Very soon, I'll be putting some plants out under cover.

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Right now it is a chilly 62 degrees. It was probably a couple of degrees lower at 3 a.m. The sun is shining and the birds are making a racket. There are a few cumulus clouds in the sky with a 20% chance of rain. In other words a typical Hawaiian winter day. Most of the rain comes in on the trade winds and will affect mostly the windward (east ) side of the island with a few sprinkles possibly coming over. I live in central Oahu so I may get a few sprinkles, or maybe not. I did water the front yard and small pots this morning just in case.

The weather has been stormy, cold and also unseasonably warm at times. My orchids are blooming out of season. The popcorn orchid usually does not bloom until may but a couple of them are going to bloom in the next few weeks. On the other hand the honohono has not dropped leaves yet, it may bloom later than usual. (translation: it isn't cold enough to force dormancy on the honohono and it is warmer than usual so the warm blooming popcorn oncidium is blooming 3 months early).

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pepperhead212 wrote:The last two days were below average, and I just saw on the weather that the Thursday and Friday of last week and this week were the only days here in February that were below average! Up in the 50s again for 5 days, maybe to 60 on Monday. Very soon, I'll be putting some plants out under cover.
It’s really crazy weather we’re having. I feel like I’m about a month late for everything that needs doing, including pruning the fruit trees!
imafan26 wrote:Right now it is a chilly 62 degrees.

@imafan, we sometimes have low 60’s night time temp during the SUMMER. :shock: :lol:

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Normally, it is comfortable at around 80 degrees for me. Anything below 70 is cold. Remember too, your houses have narrow eaves, few windows and they are probably insulated to boot. You actually heat your house. Heat is free here, it costs us money to cool the house instead. My bedroom is 16x18 ft. It was added in 1991-92 when we remodeled the house to add a second story and move the laundry room out of the bathroom. A typical master bedroom is about 11x14 ft. Our old master bedroom is now the smallest bedroom in the house. The bedroom has two walls of windows, mostly jealousies, ceiling fan, and an air conditioner which I rarely use. I have a sliding door to the balcony, which is also used like a window. So, my house leaks a lot. It helps to keep the house cooler to be able to get cross circulation and 100% ventilating windows. It is bad at keeping cold out. Even with all the jealousies closed, the wind will still come through. Winter clothing is a futon, jacket, umbrella, and maybe a couple of extra blankets and a sweatsuit. I have three area rugs, but the floors are laminate, ceramic tile, and vinyl tiles. In winter the floors are cold especially at night when I am not wearing socks.

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Rain, rain and more rain. Yard has turned into a swamp. Thankfully this week looks clear, so hopefully stuff will get to dry out before the next rain outburst. As for temps, it'll be warm one day and cold the next. I can't stand that. Like like today and tomorrow, it'll be in the 60's, but Wednesday will plummet into the 40's and I'll be staying indoors with a hot bowl of soup.

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Rain forecast changes every time I look at the TV. First it was going to rain 8" Sunday. Then they changed rain to Wed. Next it was Tue. Then Tue & Wed. After that Tue, Wed, Thurs. Now forecast is 8" rain Mon 90%, more Tue 80%, Wed 70%, Thurs 60%.
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Our afternoon temperature yesterday was 60°f and a tie for the record high.

Last year, I felt sorry for the robins because there was so much snow on the ground during March.

Today, windy and 40's in the afternoon. Clouds BIG and moving through at a high speed. Waiting indoors to see if we have a thunderstorm and some rain.


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digitS' wrote:Last year, I felt sorry for the robins because there was so much snow on the ground during March.
Oh! You took me back to four years old (a LONG time ago.)

The north winds do blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will the robin do then, poor thing?
He'll stay in the barn,
To keep himself warm,
And tuck his head under his wing.

In my mind's eye it's the perky little British (European) robin, all fluffed up and ready for anything.

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Oooh we used to sing a version of that little tune when my DDs were little. The lyric is a tiny bit different from the one I remember, but yours fit right along with the melody. I think it’s a folk song so no doubt the one I learned was a variant.

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