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Chinese Elm losing leaves

I received a Chinese Elm (bonsai), from my son, for my birthday around May 12th. It did fine for about the first week or so, then it stared losing leaves. I had gotten busy, for a couple of day, and forgot to give it some water. Since then, I've tried to be more conscientious about watering it and not leaving it out in the heat, but it's still losing leaves. I've included then and now photos. I live in the Raleigh, NC area (eastern coast of the states).
(Not sure why the first photo posted twice).

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It is probably not getting enough light. In summer, when the weather is warm it will be happier outside. Acclimate it slowly or the remaining leaves will burn.

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I am new to this site and very grateful to find all of you. My son-in-law gave me a Chinese elm in May and it is losing all of its leaves. I live in Western Maryland, USA in the mountains. The tree has been kept indoors and gets the morning sun and bright light the rest of the day. I had read that they do ok indoors, but after reading the posts on this site I see it should be outside. Are there any tips for transitioning it to the outdoors.

Thank you for being here for everyone!
Mary Ann

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Thank you for letting me know to put the tree outside. It is doing beautifully and now needs to be trimmed :D Fall is fast approaching and the predictions are for a hard winter here in the mountains of Western Maryland. What is the best way care for the tree in the winter? I don't know how much cold it can tolerate.

Thanks again for your help!
Mary Ann

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Most tropical trees used as bonsai should be outdoors when the weather is frost free at at least 60 degrees in as much sun as they can take. Trees do not naturally live in houses. In places where there is frost, you will need to bring them inside. Try to maximize the light. It also will need good air circulation and probably a humidity tray and misting. A bright window helps but with shorter days. I would supplement with lighting. A full spectrum light should be placed directly over the plant about 6-8 inches above it for up to 16 hours a day.
There are a lot of clip on grow lights but I prefer a gooseneck lamp with a cfl. LED grow lights are special lamps for plants. Regular LED does not have full spectrum. CFLs = daylight bulb has a full spectrum of light.
https://www.amazon.com/Three-Head-Flexi ... ant+lights

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