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I would love some help to select a climbing plant

How do I stop it from growing into the neighbours side??
How do I stop it from growing into the neighbours side??
Hello there

I am a complete newbie at gardening and I haven't had much success yet in selecting plants. I want to plant - in a container - a climbing plant to cover the white wall on the photos attached. This is a top level apartment and the white wall is the adjacent building. There is automatic irrigation available and ready. Ideally, I want the plant to climb directly to the wall - it is a sort of plastic substance.
I am looking for something that is as low maintenance as possible and that will withstand the wind and full sun that we get up here. I can climb that white wall to trim it up there.
What do you guys suggest? And how do I go about it? One large container, 2 large containers?

Thank you very very much in advance for you help with this project :-)

this is looking down from the white wall - how do I stop it from growing down there???
this is looking down from the white wall - how do I stop it from growing down there???
over the white wall
over the white wall

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Does the wall belong to you or the neighbor? Vines that climb walls are hard to remove and they can leave marks on the surface of the wall. I don't know if vines climb plastic very well. They usually still need something to grip.
I would put the vine on a trellis in front of the wall and give it some space around the back so you can trim it.

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Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:10 pm
Location: Sydney, Australia

Thank you for your reply. The wall belongs to me.

Which vine would you suggest?

Thank you

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