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Tomato & Pepper pictures

doing great!!
not pretty but productive  haha
not pretty but productive haha
early girl
early girl
ripe celebrity
ripe celebrity
Pepper Patch
Pepper Patch
aunt  ruby german green
aunt ruby german green

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Wow!- peppers already??! :eek: my peppers don't even have flowers yet! What climate are you in? Must be in one of the warmer ones to get fruit so early in the season.

You're right, your tomatoes look perfect :)

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PPP is in California, zone 9, but I am eating peppers off my plants and I'm in zone 7b. Mild spring got things off to a quick start.

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Hehehe. I live in a super desert-like "Mediterranean Climate". :)

& I also started as early as possible... :)

I have had ripe peppers for a few weeks now in my garden at home not pictured. & the yellow colored gypsy peppers in the pepper patch picture have already pumped out like 10 Orange peppers. Heheh. Yesterday one of the plants had like 20 peppers on it and fell over. <3. (I staked it up and happily ever after.)

But to answer your question, YES:

My climate is optimal & as rainbowgardener eluded to: we had some 100 degree days in spring. :shock:

I should have taken pictures before I harvested the 50 tomatoes I harvested over this weekend, hahaha. It would have been a lot more colorful. :roll:

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Haha I just realized I DID have a picture of some of what I meant to take pictures of, in essence :D
Tomatoes &amp; Gypsy Peppers
Tomatoes & Gypsy Peppers

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Beautiful! :D

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Very nice plants and harvest PPP. It will be another month before my table looks like that. :)

I am in zone 6 (last year was a 5) and already have just about ready green peppers. Planted out early May 9th due to a vacation, they struggled a little, it was pretty cold even dipped into the 30s a couple nights, and they got hit by aphids among other things, but they took off eventually. But I don't want green peppers, I will leave those to ripen. My habs are just setting fruit now. Growing Ace, Biscayne, and Numex Suave Orange.

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I never leave bell peppers to ripen on the plant until later in the season, when there won't be a lot more production anyway. They take so long to ripen and I really think all that time the pepper is sitting there on the plant, it slows the plant down from making more. My jalapenos I pick some green, but I'm more likely to leave some to ripen, since they don't take as long.

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Sounds like you should try a more productive variety like Ace. I picked buckets of ripe red peppers last year.

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Beautiful pictures.

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De Arbols in the Pepper Patch Turning Red
De Arbols
De Arbols
De Arbol
De Arbol

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Last year, I had an Indigo Rose tomato & a black cherry tomato plant.

I ended up saving a few seeds & finding a volunteer. :)

I have [maybe?] 5 "Black Cherry" x "Indigo Rose" (pictured harvested!!!)
Or maybe it is just a black cherry x black cherry <--- edit!!?


1 "Indigo Rose" x "Black Cherry" (pictured in the post after this)

& I wouldn't quite recommend doing what I did? But I am nonetheless amused.

These tomatoes taste very strange. Like tomato fruit loops or something!? The skins are VERY thick.

I don't remember what the black cherries tasted like last year, but I didn't remember them being THAT fruity? Hah.

Caught at the ripe stage, they are pretty delightful. But I am very bias! I never met a ripe tomato I didn't like. :)
Black Cherry x Indigo Rose
Black Cherry x Indigo Rose
Last edited by PinkPetalPolygon on Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Hehehe. Now I'm wondering if the picture I just posted IS an indigo rose cross? I was looking at it and thinking maybe it looked like just black cherry black cherry? I'm not sure.

In any event, I can tell this one is the indigo rose x Black cherry

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If I had a PC I would totally label these, but here is the intellectual label:

The biggest tomatoes on the bottom there are Brandywines :mrgreen:

Those big beautiful pink things on the side are "Pink Brandywine" :-()

Those cute little yellow globes are "Lemon Boys"

& all the rest are really great too, but I didn't really differentiate, heh, I am pretty sure I literally see some "Celebrity" tomatoes, a few "Early Girls", and maybe one of those big ones on the bottom is "Better Boy" & not a Brandywine, but who knows! Everybody is going in one pot & they'll be the best of friends. :)

Oooh & the pepper on top is a "Gypsy Pepper" - they are a sweet pepper that produces like crazy. I LOVE them. I have 6 plants this year and I would have gotten 12 in I had know how wonderful they were. I ate them all and eagerly await the ripening ones. :lol:

Oh gosh. Before this season I had never cooked with POUNDS AND POUNDS AND POUNDS of tomatoes
(Woohoo, I have a tomato truckload of experience now!!! Yaay!!!)

Not to mention I actually ATE that truckload of tomatoes ???
I've been eating so much produce. Maybe the most produce I ever ate in my life? When I think about what I "want to eat" I think of all the flipping cucumbers and tomatoes I HAVE to eat lest they perish?

And I find myself literally wanting a huge Armenian cucumber for breakfast.

Maybe at first the decision was forced or moralistic
To just sit there and eat piles of vegetables throughout the day
As opposed to anything else?

But now I feel absolutely trained in eating the pounds and pounds and pounds of stuff I grew for myself...
To the extent that what I grew I what I WANT to eat ...
Like over and over and over until it's gone... (omg I think I have 20 pounds of Armenian cucumbers on my table. Hehehe. Good luck, PPP!!! Everyone is cheering you on! Pretend every meal is a hot dog eating contest but with cucumbers but don't hurt yourself and chew slowly and fully, yay!)

it is a wonderful sensation, let me tell you!

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The Armenian cucumbers I mentioned :)

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WOW! That's a lot of produce. ;) Awesome. I wish I had more space.

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