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what type of bonsai is this?

PLEASE Help!!! I just got this new Bonsai and I have no clue what type it is. I am sure it is stressed. It's leaves are turning yellow and dropping and of course it is Fall as well. so no clue what is happening. it has water and drains properly. Not sure what I should do as, I have no clue what type it is. Can someone please identify for me so I don't stress it out anymore or worse kill it. Thank you

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It is a ficus. Tom can probably tell you the species. I am most familiar with benjamina and this is not it. It could be f. retusa.

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Thank you. I will wait to see if Tom replys. Do you know if it losses it's leaves when weather/temp changes? It does have new sprouts growing. Just feel bad for the guy. He seems so upset☹️

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No, ficus is a tropical evergreen. When happy it does not drop its leaves (very many at a time - it drops a few here and there all through the year, instead of dropping them all at once and staying bare through the winter like deciduous trees do). But ficus is very sensitive to changes, especially in light, but also temperature and other conditions. When it gets moved, especially to situation it doesn't "like" as well, it react by dropping a whole bunch of leaves.

The good news about the fact that it easily drops leaves when unhappy, is that it easily grows them back. You just need to figure out what it needs to keep it happy and then keep that consistent.

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Thank you. It was at nursery for a long time. I have had it just over a week. I'm sure it's not happy with being moved and just needs to adjust. Getting it a grow light tomorrow as I think it needs more light and in Virginia as soon as Fall hits till spring; we don't get much sun light. Hoping it adjust like my other one did. Knowing what type it is will def help me decide the care it needs. Thank you for your feedback and I will let you know how he progresses. His name is Veredian. Lol. Such a sucker for my plants.

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It hates having the light changed. You probably have less light than where it was. Good thing as rainbow said, it will grow the leaves back when it acclimates. Don't try to move it around too much. A spot with bright light is good. a shelf with overhead light is better. It looks like a good starter. Let it get used to the environment and learn how to water and feed it. Once you got that down then you can move on to the next step.

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