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Meeting Transcript

Moderator: We have a new member today
lakngulf: My name is lakngulf, and I am a recovering PETCaholic
Group: Welcome, lakngulf.
Mod: How long have you been a Plants Everything Too Close--aholic?
lakngulf: Ever since I visited Illinois in 1972 and saw how close they grow their corn.
Mod: Why are you here today?
lakngulf: I keep doing the same thing every year and expect a different result.

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And I am a...

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*stands up*

My name is Nick and I planted my tomatoes two feet apart in each of the two rows of them that I have, and they have become one big six-foot-high tomato jungle (ESPECIALLY my beefsteaks) due to the constant pop-up rainstorms we have this time every year.

I would like to apologize to my cayenne, bell, Costa Rican, and sweet banana peppers. And to my corn, sunflowers, yellow crookneck squash, and cucumbers. :wink:

*sits back down redfaced and swearing to himself he won't make such a rookie mistake with his garden next year*


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Yep, I have been making that rookie mistake for forty years and plan on continuing to do it for the next forty years. I just find the sight of bare dirt repulsive and will cover every square inch of it with a plant.


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tedln wrote:Yep, I have been making that rookie mistake for forty years and plan on continuing to do it for the next forty years. I just find the sight of bare dirt repulsive and will cover every square inch of it with a plant.

What he said. :D

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

Vergil agrees: "When I can walk on all four legs, I stand right by the tomato plants and look my very cutest. Mommy gives me yummy tomatoes. If she didn't plant them right next to each other, there wouldn't be enuf for meeee!"

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There's always plenty of room for the seeds.If they go to all the trouble of sprouting,I sure as heck don't want to throw them away. :roll:

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2 ft. ? Try 1 ft. apart. Let's just say that you have to be very nimble to weed :lol:.

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rkunsaw wrote:There's always plenty of room for the seeds.If they go to all the trouble of sprouting,I sure as heck don't want to throw them away. :roll:
My wife read this and said "That is you to a T" It is SO hard to thin plants. Meeting every day, week, month with this group is supposed to help

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Hello, my name is Dawn and I think this is where I belong :D

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Huh, I call it "Intensive Gardening". :lol: From what I'm reading I should take it to another level though! :() I'm pretty sure I could fit something in the V shape between the mater cages.

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Well, I actually follow the square foot gardening spacings (well, mostly) and need to get as much produce as possible from my small space. Like....growing 30 stalks of corn in 2 self watering containers made from tote bins:


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I'd like to join in on the meeting please, but my issue is I'm a "start my seedlings too early & they die before I get them in the ground -aholic".

*sigh* one year I will learn and get bigger pots...

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engineeredgarden wrote:Well, I actually follow the square foot gardening spacings (well, mostly) and need to get as much produce as possible from my small space. Like....growing 30 stalks of corn in 2 self watering containers made from tote bins
I don't see any problem with that, looks just like the corn I saw in Illinois.

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Wow, this is my very first post here, but I'm totally a member of this group. This is my first real garden, and so far things are going okay. But I have NINE tomato plants in a 4'x8' bed. Something tells me there should be less in there...

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I'm Halfway (-obsessive, -crazy, -talented, -bald, -old, etc.) and no matter how hard I try, I hate the millipedes in my compost. I am sure they are there to help...but I just don't like them.

And very nice corn-in-a-tote setup you have there engineeredgarden!


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You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Come on we have to have some kind of pride in what we do. These problems need to be stopped now and quick before I get's out of hand. Planting things to close is just not good for you or the people you are around someone could get hurt. You people need to figure it out and get it right.

I would go on but I think there may be another square inch of garden I can plant something in so I have to go now. You people make me sick. :wink:

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Um...Hello, My name is Kelly, and I plant things way to close together.

I admit I have a problem. I don't know what to do though! I can't bear to not plant those precious little seedlings. I need an intervention.
I planted 30 tomatoes 1.5 feet apart. In my defense last years tomatoes were so pathetic looking it seemed possible. Ugh. I also admit that I was not faithful at pulling the suckers off, now it looks like there are twice as many in there. Ugh!
The pic is a bit fuzzy but you get the idea...

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I'm with Gix.....being able to have every square inch of your garden covered with plant matter is truly somethings to be proud of :D. that a patch of dirt I see in my back in a minuet. :roll: :lol:.

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I told my wife this year that we would over seed because last year just about all that grew was the tomatoes. I kinda wish we had lighten up on the cukes. Those things are CRAZY!!


Next year will be better (I hope).

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Given the severity of PETC amoung gardening forum members I am considering having meetings more often. Maybe time zone meetings will be necessary. But I will get back with you, I just saw an area in my garden where a squash plant bit the dust. Surely something will grow there, maybe I will plant two of three different kinds of seeds and see what happen.
Last edited by lakngulf on Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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This thread is hilarious! I try to give everything lots of space, but my plants like to wander. They won't be tamed! I guess they think the weeds are greener on the other side!

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I have a worse problem than all of ya...
Poor little kids even lose their toys around my place!

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That's terrible OL :P Though I must admit I have often looked at my kids swing-set thinking what a great trellis it would make. :lol:

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I don't have a problem :roll:

Just one more plant, then that's it.... :()


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Ozark Lady...That is hilarious. When I lived with my parents we planted in the same dinosaur sandbox! Too funny!
Thank You for the memory!

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Please let me in your meeting. I have the most horrible confession. Please be kind.
Situation is 2 4 x 8 beds, perennials, end to end. Earlier pulled out the madder (dye) plant and put in a very large container. That leaves 2 x 3 space. Did I say Space?! OMG! Other things needed pulled or dealt with. Hanging head lower. One plant in question that was going to be history is a lavender, and about to bloom from 2 sad branches. Had to stake one. Can't pull a lavender in bloom!
Have some perennials to put in, 1 gal pots from specials, museum plant sales etc. They are on my holding table that has dappled sun. Also top soil and compost. Also need to re-work the edge with dumping old timber and putting in new edging and timber.
Then very hot weather, and then no rain. I can water, but not the same as a good rain.
And busy with the herb project.
Garden in mention looks like junk.
Will you still talk to me?!

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I am here....but I am not ready to speak infront of everyone... not yet.

I'm thankful there are others like me.

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I would just like to say that maybe I did plant something today maybe I didn't. So what if it had to be started inside all I need was a little bit not a lot why can't you people get off my back I can stop whenever I want. Don't be getting in my face telling me I'm wrong.

&$)(*&)($&#@)(%&)_(#&^)(@#%*&_)@!#^*)(@#&^%)(#&^)(&@#^)(*^)(*&^$_)#&^)(@#&^)_(@#&^)(@^&you, you don't know what it's like man! YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!

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gixxerific wrote:I would just like to say that maybe I did plant something today maybe I didn't. So what if it had to be started inside all I need was a little bit not a lot why can't you people get off my back I can stop whenever I want. Don't be getting in my face telling me I'm wrong.

&$)(*&)($&#@)(%&)_(#&^)(@#%*&_)@!#^*)(@#&^%)(#&^)(&@#^)(*^)(*&^$_)#&^)(@#&^)_(@#&^)(@^&you, you don't know what it's like man! YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!


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A little late joining the meeting, but when I got up on the hose storage box to take these photos and REALLY looked at my raised bed Veg Garden, I realized I was in denial :roll: The beds are 4'x10' with 2' wide paths in between. There's also a 2' wide bed along the far fence beyond the 2nd 2' wide path....

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Well, after looking at my tomato troubles, namely green shoulders and anthracnose, I'm starting to believe that 1 ft. plant spacing may work OK for hybrids, but heirlooms need their space.

Also I think part of the low production of my squash plants is due to to many plants too close together.

Well, at least the peppers don't seem to mind being crowded too much. :roll:

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I purposely planted my summer squash really crowded in the spring. My intent was to pull the weaker plants leaving the stronger plants properly spaced. They looked so good as they grew, it was difficult to choose the plants to sacrifice. I did sacrifice some, but not as many as I should have. My plants produced well early in the season, but slowed down as the space for each declined with growth. I finally pulled all of them and replanted the beds for a fall crop. I tried to plant the fall plants wisely, but I already had a handful of seed and didn't want to put it back in the packet. Once again, I have a lot of very nice plants putting on leaves. I just hope I am able to thin them properly. It takes will power.


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I know exactly where your coming from, Ted. Mine did the same thing: they produced well until the growth started coming on.

I always say that I'm not gonna crowd, but then I do. When time comes to this, I always contemplate expanding the garden to host the thinnings.

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I had space in the corner of my new garden, so I planted a yam yesterday. I know it won't have enough room, but my trellis is empy bc my cucumbers bit the dust.

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You would think the problem of planting things too close would be bad enough. Each year I have some volunteer flowers to come up in my garden, and I have a habit of leaving some in the rows. Seems my PETC--aholic problem has also led me to be a LETC--aholic. Seems I "leave everything too close" in my garden as well. This is a variation of Ted's inability to thin properly, and I think we should have a whole series on that. Take a look:


In contrast, my wife does a much better job spacing and thinning in her herb garden. Perhaps she could be a resource person for one of our meetings....on second thought, she might want us to change our habits:


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Yeah, I had a bunch of tomatoes come up in the squash patch......of course, I let them grow. I agree that it's bad enough to not plant things too close, let alone reduce what's already too close.

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I love this thread! Love the jungles you guys have!!!

I'm D, and I too am no stranger to some dense planting:


This year wouldn't be much different :lol:


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*cough* I'm Dix and I am a tomato addict.

I have enough room for about 15 plants.....but I started seeds for 20 varieties anyway. I have to account for a few not germinating right?
Well.....they all came up! :shock: So I spent all yesterday making 56 paper pots so I don't have to kill off any seedlings....
Now I think I might need a couple more growlights too....

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garden5 wrote:I always say that I'm not gonna crowd, but then I do. When time comes to this, I always contemplate expanding the garden to host the thinnings.
HAHA! I know how the rest of this story goes! :) You expand the garden to host the thinnings and then the following year the expanded area becomes a permanent part of the garden. Which needs an expanded addition for thinnings....which at the end of the year becomes....

It's how my 144 sq ft garden expanded into 2000 sq ft. lol. :roll:

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and then 4000 sq ft. :shock:


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