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Sick apple tree

I have an apple tree (possibly planted in the 1960s) that we have built our deck around, 3years since moving here the tree is healthier than it was, however it is still sick and I would like to know what I am dealing with and how/if I can cure it?
I have been treating it for powdery mildew and wolly aphids, the leaves being to curl over and form a white powder not long after budding, the bark is starting to split in places. Apples were small, red crispy and sweet but last year they grew massive and stayed green and formed scabs. Photos attached, please help I would REALLY like to save this tree

Greener Thumb
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Several problems Kam..as you are aware.
First the two main ones.
Pick off any shoots and buds that are showing the powdery appearance.
In the spring spray with a fungicide as soon as leaves start to appear.
Repeat every two weeks.
At blossom time pick off any flower trusses that show mildew. This is the maximum time for spread of the disease. Called Primary infection.
It’s at this stage that it then infects the leaves for later infections known as secondary mildew.

The trunk shows signs of canker.
Scrape soft damaged wood back to clean undamaged wood. Paint with a good quality fungicidal paint.

Wooly aphid. Dap with a brush dipped in methylated spirit.

Spots on the apples is caused by scab.
The fungicide spray you use for mildew should control this too.

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Could not consider a disinfectant?

Here are some steps you can take to save your tree:

Prune out any diseased or damaged branches. This will help to remove sources of infection and improve air circulation.
Treat the tree for powdery mildew with a fungicide. There are a number of organic and inorganic fungicides available.
Control woolly aphids with insecticidal soap or neem oil. These are both organic pesticides that will not harm the tree.
Thin the fruit. This will help to reduce the stress on the tree and allow the fruit to develop more fully.
Water the tree deeply and regularly during dry weather. This will help to keep the tree healthy and stress-free.
Treated apple trees
Treated apple trees
No treated
No treated
Example: Photo credit https://www.leicesters.co.nz/

Hope this helps.
Last edited by BloomingBrilliant on Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Greener Thumb
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All the above are great tips, but one thing to remember; as in everything that lives there is a lifespan. A tree from the sixties is getting up there in years. While I am sure it will hang on for a bit longer, along with the other problems, your apple tree is slowing down. Commercial growers replace trees sooner than the age of yours, but that is commercial timelines. I say do what you can, enjoy the tree and its fruit but be ready for age to take over.

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