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Problem with orange tree - Fungus? Help

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:30 am
by pengh
I should have taken a picture this morning.

Basically the tree and leaves were turning really blackish. The lady at Home Depot gave me this fungus spry which I did 3 times every 7 days. 5 weeks later and it still looked unhealthy (it's a really small tree). I whet back to home depot and another person gave me a different product that I had to buy a sprayer for. I've sprayed it twice over the last 3 weeks - still looks bad. Is this something I'm just going to have to wait? The tree didn't fruit last season and I want it to fruit this year.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:00 am
by gumbo2176
Instead of going to Home Depot, try a real nursery and ask them for their take on what is going on with your tree. I once had a tangerine tree in my back yard that had what you are describing and it wound up being due to Citrus Rust Mite infestation. The leaves were covered in a dark material and the skins of the fruit was leathery and off color. Fortunately, the fruit is not affected by the mites other than the skins being discolored and a good bit tougher to remove.

I used a product called Volick Oil Spray(sp?) over the course of several weeks and that took care of the problem.

But do get to a proper nursery and not rely on some sales clerk in the big box stores. In my area they can hardly tell customers where to find things they are responsible for putting on the shelves much less give expert advice.

Using Volck oil

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:35 am
by Just Whisper
I agree. We have had similar problems with our red naval trees. We now spray ours every few months with volck oil to help prevent and kill fungus and insect infestation. If we neglect to do this it comes right back, and it causes many of our leaves to turn black and curl up. The insects cause brownish pock marked areas on our fruit. It does not hurt anything but it is ugly.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:20 am
by JONA878
Hi Pengh.
One thing I would check on with your tree. Black fungus on leaves is often caused by aphids...check for them.
The aphids release a sweet fluid called 'honey dew' which falls onto the leaves the fungus then grows on this residue.
If it is this that you have then there is no need to worry about the is harmless...but the aphids do need dealing with.