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Raised soil problems

I have four raised beds, all have vegetables growing, had a great crop going before Christmas but can not get much to grow, the soil has gone rock hard, one bed looks as though it may have some sort of a disease as anything plated in it, the leave go brown (lettuce, tomatoes, capsicum, chilis).

So two questions
1/ the soil is topsoil I got from a garden supplier, it is so hard water just seems to run off the surface now, is there a way to fix this or do I need to replace the soil with an organic type soil
2/ how do I know if the bed has a disease.

Hopefully someone can help

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I think all you will need to do is amend the soil and the most likely reason the veggies are dying is not to disease but to being impacted and water not reaching the root system. I would get some of those large brand name bags of good garden soil and mix in for a quick revival and add compost.. all is not lost, AMEND,AMEND, AMEND..there are some really good articles online for amending whichever type of soil you have.

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