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Tomato plant seems fine but fruits have black bottoms

Hey all, my mom's tomatoes are not having a good time. They are getting black spots on the bottom then it spreads, spoils, and the tomato dies. She's only had 1 tomato make it so far. The plant is in a good size pot on her porch. The plant gets 6 hours of sun and she's now watering it twice a day to see if that helps. I was thinking maybe it was a large temperature swing thing, warm days followed by foggy nights, but mine are ok. I think it's an ACE tomato and we got bagged soil from the nursery just for this plant. The plant itself seems fine, good color and growth and it still is occasionally putting out flowers. Any thoughts or suggestions to try? Thanks!

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Some are turning color with the problem

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This is called Blossom End Rot :arrow: Subject: BER -- Blossom End Rot

It's caused by uneven watering and possibly too hot root-zone if the containers are in full sun. Unfortunately the ones that developed the blackened bottoms can't be corrected since it happened while they were in green developing stage. If the plants are still producing, best thing to do is to clip off all the bad ones so the plant will put effort into growing the new ones and provide preventative care. Watering twice a day will likely help unless the containers are too small. It will also help to shade or insulate the containers.

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Thanks applestar! And thanks for the link. That's quite a write up!

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