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Kay's Roma Tomatoes

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:20 pm
by Kay103
So, I decided to try Burpree's Roma Super Sauce Hybrid (since I make sauce out of my Roma's and can them).

Here are some pictures of my progress.

Right before I transplanted everything outside...

Tomato plants in my make-shift tomato cage...

First one!

As of this past weekend...

One of the bigger ones are finally starting to turn pink, so I am hoping that in the next few days I'll have my first ripe one :-) I may have to weigh it to and see how big they are.

Re: Kay's Roma Tomatoes

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:19 pm
by applestar
Nice going! :D

I love this time of the year when the tomatoes really start rolling in. A little later than last year for me but my tomato garden is graduating from the early cherries to saladette and salad sizes, with first big slicers almost ready. 8)

It's going to get hot for a while before things start to cool down. If you haven't done it already, I recommend mulching the ground around the tomato plants. Putting paper down first will help with weeds.

Re: Kay's Roma Tomatoes

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:06 am
by Kay103
Thanks apple!

I haven't put mulch down, but I did put a fresh layer of compost down.